Chapter 1: The Crazy Beginning

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Sabrina Lawrence, is an eighteen year old senior high school student of West Coast Manchester High, somewhere in Manchester. Since she was a child, she dream of being part of a world class orchestra and travel all around the globe to share music. But basing on her present situation, catching this dream is too far from reality. She is currently struggling with her over flowing difficulties, starting from the planned divorce of her two workaholic parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany and Henry Lawrence, her long term conflict with her rebellious twin sister Briana, her low grades in math, her confusion about what course to take up in college, money and everything.

All she got right there is her music and violin as an escape. People said, that she is truly a musical genius because she could play different kinds of instruments and compose great songs that everyone would love. But sad to say, her parents failed to see these passion right into her eyes when both of them finally have decided to send the twins, Sabrina and Briana to a Business School in Boston, rather than Juilliard University in New York where they believe that they truly belong. Their parents wanted them to become business minded just like them. This decision surprised them so much and burned up with great disagreement. Yes, it is true that business sustains all of their material needs as a family but ironically, it is the same thing which completely tore their family apart. Both of their parents were so busy about their international transactions which makes them so distant to their own children. All they seemed to care were their money. When they went home for a vacation every summer, all they just did was fight. This crooked relationship canceled all of their planned picnics, camps, boating and family bondings. That is why they really hated the idea of going into the business school.

The division of the family has been so clear for years and it has slowly destroyed the closeness of the twin sisters as well. Unlike any other typical identical twin sisters, Sabrina and Briana's relationship is a bit complicated because of hate. They seemed to misunderstood each other because of their different interests and personalities. Even the colors of their hair would tell how opposite they are. Sabrina's blonde while Briana's brunette. Sabrina is shy, refine and obedient young lady who loves music, while Briana is a free-spirited, out-going and rebellious one who loves dancing.

As a result, they tend to compete against each other, hoping that one of them will soon catch up their workaholic parents' attention, and for once spent time on caring about them instead of work.

It was in the middle of hot summer afternoon. The shades of orange sunlight gently struck her face as Sabrina was looking outside through their glass window, sits peacefully on the sofa, listening to one of her favorite classical music. She must be so happy to stay at home for the vacation, knowing that her sister Briana ran away, protesting to their parents for grounding her from joining in the different street dance rip offs and as well as the plan about sending them off to the business school. Behind Sabrina's calm disposition as she sits, at the back of her mind, she was also feeling worried about what might actually come. These things kept running through her head for months and makes her drink her lemonade slowly. Then, suddenly, Briana came into the house, kicked the door after months of running away, she finally showed her ass once again. It totally destroyed Sabrina's peace, and to her surprise for her twin's grand entrance, she spit out the lemonade that she was drinking all over the floor.

S: Hey Briana! Don't you ever know how to knock!? And since when did you start to think that this is still your house?

B: This house is really mine as long as I still got Lawrence in my blood.

S: Hah! Are you being silly? After you've left for ages and here you go! I guess you're too broke by now. Right? Ahh ok. All you just care is money.

B: Of course not! I don't need your stupid money! and besides, you are the one who owns nothin' here. These things belongs to mom and dad.

S: Yeah you're right.. But the only difference between you.. and me is that I stayed here. Where were you at the times when Grand ma's struggling? Tell me Briana, what are your Priorities in life! Is it your selfish dreams?

B: I am not saying anything like that.. I do care for Grand ma too.. and I already visited her to her home. I'm not here for any trouble with you.. I don't need to waste much of my time. We need to talk.

S: I thought you forgot or shall we say, you escaped? You're still grounded.. and if you came back, it means you'll have to face every single thing that you left.

B: Oh grow up!

M: Bri! You're back!!!

B: O hello there Matt! How is it going! (Pats his head) So, what's up to this loving home! So how's my sistah doing?

S: I'm the only blonde around here...Family? Huh! Call me adopted.

M: Still with crazy PMS. (runs away fast)

S: Heyyy (Throws a book on him on his back and made him fall hard) 

Even though they hated each other, the twins forced themselves to talk about the the issue of their parents plan to send them off to a business school. After all, they are they are still the ones who could exactly understand about what they are currently going through. They maybe too different but at least they get to have something to agree of; they both hate business!

S: You know, I really hate to do this conversation, but sadly I really have to because I just got No Choice.

B: (Laughs sarcastically) Same here. Talking with you nust be really boring.

S: Well, even though we badly hate each other because, you used to took the side of dad while I took the side of mom... But puhlease... Let just first set aside this anger toward one another. Ok?

B: Yeah ok deal, but... Just for now. It is so clear that they're up against us. I can't believe this! I can't believe that Dad... Urrgh!

S: Yes, I know right.. Well, we really have to do something about it, but honestly, I respect their plans for us and I've been thinking... Maybe, what if...?

B: (Interrupted) Wait whhhat!? Nnnno! No! No! WHat Are You Thinking! If you wanna go, then just go! But not with me. Never count me in with that. That plan's  the stupidest plan i ever heard in my entire life! I don't wanna spend the rest of my life regretting about my bad decisions just because someone else tells me to. What the! Did they sent you to convince me with this  conspiracy?
You know, lets just end this none sense convo. I AM NEVER Going to back down.

S: Well, you are just the perfect partner that i was looking for. They just got two rebels in the family. I never thought its gonna come to this. This has to end!

They even made some placards saying, "Send Us to Juilliard or we will Die!", "I Say no to Business, as much as I Say No To Drugs", "Save my life: Convince My Parents to Send me to Juilliard". They did the most embarrassing campaigns all over the neighborhood. 

They will do whatever it takes to follow their dreams and then suddenly, they just got struck by a one CRAZY idea to solve their hopeless situation. And so they planned to applied online for Juilliard scholarship for music and dancing. Since they need money, they asked their genius little brother Matt, to make the swiftest way to get their mom's credit card without making her notice, for them to book two plane tickets, heading to New York, the city of their dreams. Not knowing what danger they might be going to face out there in that big city.

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