Chapter Two

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I woke up in someone licking my face. I groaned and flutter my eyes open to see Ressy my dog.I got up and mumbled to my dog 'morning'. I walked in the bathroom and stripping off my clothes and hopped in the shower. Once Im done, I wrap the towel around my body and brushed my teeth. OI then walked out and opened my dresser. I wear my undies and bra. I grab my sweat shirts and denim short. I wear my black concerse. I dry my hair and put ot in a messy bun. I walk downstairs with Ressy at my side. She's a girl dog. Actually my room is in 2nd.

"MORNING!" Julianne said. "Morning" I replied. "Oh there you are" Stefanie said giving me a plate of pancakes. "Where's the boys?" I asked noticing the boys are not here. "They leave to find some victim" Julianne said and I nodded. I continue eating my breakfast and I grab some orange juice. Once Im done eating, me and Ressy hopped in the couch and watch sponge bob. Hey, Im not a kid but I like to watch. Anyways sometimes I acted like five years old.

"Railee seriosly?" I heard Stefanie saying. I look at her and give my middle finger. She rolled her eyes and headed outside. Julianne sat beside my and playing with Ressy. We spend 2 hours watching t.v. A different shows. Until we heard the front door opened. Me and Julianne turn around to see brother and his friends with 5 boys that tied their hands, feet, and a cloth in their mouth.


Me and the lads decided to go to mall. We hopped in the car and I started the engine. We drove with fun until someone bump us. We walk outside to see a three boys glaring at us and walking towards us. I saw a guy whispered smirking at the other guy and he nodded. The three of them walked over to us and suprisingly punch us and tied us and throe in their car. All of us have tied in hands, feet and a cloth in our mouth. We drove silently. I look at the lads with confused expression just like me. I look at the window that they bring us in a trees. Its a forest.

The guy who drive stopped the car. We look outside and saw a three stories house. I look at the lads and we have same expressions. I felt the three of them drag out on the car and through the house. The guy that holding me opened the door and I saw that this house was amazing. I look back at the lads and they have wide eyes. "Rand..who...are..they?" A girl with big brown eyes and brown wavy hair asked. She look hot and gorgeous. She didnt know us?

Anyways another girl come over singing. "LET'S GO CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY TIL WE SEE THE SUN!!!!!" She shouted. When she looked at us she smirked. "GOOD JOB PUPPIES" she shouted again. "Now it's time to basement" A girp said walking inside the house. Maybe she's in outside. I felt someone whispered "stop staring at my sister". I then notice myself that I was staring at the girl that speak first and we locked eyes.


I noticed that a quiff guy with gorgeous blue eyes kept staring at me. I stared back and we locked an eyes. I saw my brother whispered something and the blue eyed boy looked down. The boys drag them to the basement. "Do you know them?" I asked sitting back to the couch and cuddling to Ressy. "They are the stupid hottest boyband called One Direction" Julianne said bitterly and rolled her eyes. "They are world wide famous" Stefanie completed. I nodded and turn my gaze on the t.v.

Minutes later someone poking my side which I hate it. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" I screamed. "Woah woah woah, calm your tots bro, can you go with me feeding our puppies?" Julianee said. I nodded.I grab the key and we walk in the basement with Ressy in my side. I then insert the key and kicked open to see five boys. I felt sorry for them. Oh no no no. I've never beem said this to all of our victims.

Anyways Julianne give their foods and I only crosses my arms. I felt someone staring at me. I look over to him and look at his blue orbs. He weakly smile at me and I smiled back. "Stay here, I will get some foods because others have no food" Julianne said and I nodded. I watched her walking outside. I look at the boys who are staring at me.

"What?" I asked bitterly. "What's your name love?" The curly haired boy asked with flirtious smile. "Railee, what about all of you?" I asked him back. "Im Harry" He said. "Im Louis" The guy who kept staring at me says. "Im Niall" The blonde one said with blue eyes too. "Im Liam" The guy with the short quiff hair. "Im Zayn" The black quiff haired guy said. I nodded until Julianne come back with Randy in her side.

"Hi" I said softly waving at him like a five years old girl. "Railee stop that, you are f□cking twenty years old" He yelled. I gave him a puppy dog face with pouty lips. He then poke my said which makes me serios. "You are f□cking sick bastard!" I yelled back slapping his hand thay poked me. "Hey this is easy place for five of them to excape" Stefanie said joining us then kissed Randy in the lips.

"MY EYES" Me and Julianne said at the same time. We glared at each other. "So we will seperate them, one is in Railee, one is om Jul, the rest three is on the empty three rooms, if you dont mind" Randy said. "I dont mind at all" me and Jul said at the same time and we glared at each other. We left the room with Ressy in the side of me.


how's my story? hope u like it. just please vote comment and fan. anyways add me on twitter shengz_tommo ...


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