Chapter Three

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We all(Railee, Randy, Stefanie, Julianne, Mark, Josh) sat in the couch planning for something. Cause our basement have many windows and its easy to escape. "If the two of them slept with Rai and Jul, maybe they'll have some sex" Josh said smirking. "Yeah, there have empty rooms" Stefanie said. I felt true. I dont mind at all if they slept in our room. I just dont like it. I know that Josh has a biggest crush on me but brother dont want that were couple. I actually like Josh. Anyways we all nodded in agreement. Actually Julianne felt uncomfortable with that

Then Josh, Mark, Randy, Stefanie amd Julianne drag them in five rooms. One by one. Whilst me here in the couch with Ressy watching t.v. This is always what I do. A couple of minutes I felt tired. I want to sleep. I walk uptairs when I heard screamed. I walk towards the room that is in beside me. I opened the door to see Randy punched Louis. "RANDY STOP!" I screamed. I look at Louis who have bruises and blood. Randy look at me weirdly. "I've never heard you stopping me" Randy said. I cant speak. He's right. I've never been stopping Randy or others. I felt so weird. I am start liking this Louis? His gorgeous blue eyes.

Anyways Randy is not in my sight now leaving me speechless. I look at Louis who is looking at his eyes. I shook my head and locked the door. I ran to my room slamming the door amd threw my self on my bed. I drifted to a deep sleep.

This couldnt happening.


"RANDY STOP" I heard a girl voice screamed. I look over to the door to see Railee. She then look at me softened her gaze. "I've never heard you stopping me" Randy said leaving her and me only. What does he mean? Is Railee is happy to see hurting people? Or she's hurting people too? I dont know. But she's hot. Her long wavy brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. I think I like her. Since I first saw her. Anyways I walk in the bed and drifted to a deep sleep.

(The next day)


I woke up to felt someone liking my face. Actually is just Ressy.I groamed until I fell in the bed. "Shit" I muttered to my self. I then stood up and walk over to the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and feel the water flashes my body. Once Im done, I wrap the towel around my body. I walked out in the bathroom and opened my dresser. I pull out my blue long sleeve, jeans and blue converse. I dry my hair and curled.I walked out running in the kitchen and grab some eggs and bread toast. I sit in the counter watching Stefanie's moves. They greeted me morning and I ignored it. I proceed to my task. First is feeding my puppy. Louis is my puppy. I choose him cause I like him. I love his blue eyes. And he's hot y'know. I grab the plate and place some eggs and bread toasts.In my other hand holding a glass of juice. I walk uptairs and stop in the room where Louis was. Its hard to open. Anyways I saw a desk behind the room. I put all of the food and grab my keys that is in my room.

I open the room and grab the food. I closed the door using my feet to see Louis sitting in the bed. He noticed me and giving me a small smile. Man, he's smile is killing me. Anyways I smiled back. I walk over to him amd gave his food. "Thankyou" He said and I nodded. "There's a shower, and clothes in the dresser" I said pointing the bathroom and the dresser. He nodded. I walked out and locked the door. I heard Stefanie's voice screamed across Louis' room. I opened the door to see Stefanie with bruises and blood beaten by Harry. I walked over to Harry and grab his shirt. He tried to punch me but I stopped his hand and kicked him in the balls and he flew in the wall.

"Stef out" I commanded and she walked out hurriedly. I look at Harry who have anger written in his face. He walked over me and I only feel a fist is in my face now. I yelled in pain. Huh, he want fight? Ok, I beaten 16 boys. I walked over to the door and locked it. I smirked at him evilly and I walk over to him. "Want a fight?" I asked evilly. "F□ck you" He yelled. "I'll take that as a yes" I said then began to kick his face causing him to flew on the floor. He looked at me with wide eyes. I bend down and begam punching his face.

After beating him, I crossed my arms and lookec at him. "Dont.ever.touch.her" I said in leave. I walked to the couch to see Randy cleaning Stef's face. "I beat him" I said sitting beside Josh. "Good" Randy saod smirking. "Stole foods Railee" Mark said. "I'll go with her" Josh said. We walked out and hopped in the car and Josh drove away.

We stop in a stor with less people. I wore my aviators and 'obey' cap. I walked out with Josh. "I'll distract the cashier and get foods" I said and he nodded. He walked througu the foods and I talk to the cashier about life and taking him on a date which is lie. When Josh is done we walked out and drove fastly in our place. The whole ride was quiet until we reach our place. We set the food in the kitchen and the task is done.

This time Im alone with the victims. Rand and Stef are in a date which they will go home tomorrow. Mark and Josh find some slut girls and f□cking it. Julianne is in her boyfriend that is having fun. I think I'll go to Louis, yeah maybe.

I walk upstairs with the key in my hand. I opened Lou's room and closed behind. Again he was sitting in the bed. "Bored?" I asked sitting beside him. "Yeah" He said. I nodded and he looked directy in my eyes and I looked back. "Why'd you all do this?" He asked quietly. I look down biting my lips and playing with my fingers. "Cause we dont have family to support our lives" I said and I felt tears began to roll down my cheeks. Louis hold up my chin to look directly in his eyes. He wiped the tears using his thumb. "Im sorry" He said givimg me a hug. "No its not, I know this is wrong but I am really angry to my parents and I let all the angry out by hurting people" I said between sobs. I cried in Louis' shirt and he shush me and giving me some comforting words.

Minutes later spending time with him and knowing each other is fun. zi knew that Louis' loves carrots which I hated it. He's like me that immature one. I like him. He's funny and a great guy. But when we are talking I felt like I will fall in him. I think I fall inlove with him. "Uh, hey Lou thanks for the talk, the others are here" I said sadly. He nodded and we hugged for the last time and I leave the room.









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