Meeting Thin Thin

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Chapter 1

It's Summer, the days are longest and the nights are shortest. It is the best part of the year for Tin Tin, as tans may fade but the memories live forever. The fourteen year old young lady from Pasig can't control her emotions. She is too excited to sleep, for tomorrow she is going out of town with her friends from high school. No matter how many times she twists and turns in her bed she can't make herself dizzy enough to make her fall sleep. In her fourteen years of existence, there was never one summer that didn't change her life. It always happened during summer.

She looked at her clock made from a recycled bicycle wheel hanging on top of her divan in the room. It read three in the morning. She groaned for the nth time as she buried her face in the plush side sleeper pillow resting on her queen sized bed.

In two hours, Doryn will be coming to pick her up... her and her dark under eye circles.

"Cristin Arabella!!!" Tin Tin suddenly bolted up as she heard the piercing sound of her full name. She scratched her eyes, surprising herself that she fell asleep and now being awoken by her bestfriend, Doryn.

"God! What time is it?! It's five in the morning and you're still lying in bed!" Doryn continued squealing. Tin opened her eyes sleepily looking at the girl tugging her right arm to get her up and off the bed.

"Doryn Dela Rosa! I had less than two hours sleep." Tin tried to reason out as she crawled down her bed.

"What exactly did you do?" Doryn watched her BFF with dismay. "You know our flight is at nine in the morning not nine in the evening."

"I was too excited." She humbly admitted.

"You never change. Ever since kindergarten, you were always too excited going on trips. Even field trips!" Doryn exclaimed.

They have known each other since they were toddlers, four years old to be exact. They were classmates, along with their four other best buddies, Florence, Helena, Scarlet and Idallene. They are all incoming high school students at Leipzig International Academy, the exclusive for girls school inside West Penville, the private posh subdivision all the girls are living at.

Tin Tin, Doryn, and Helena are all going to Puerto Princesa for a month at Doryn's beach house. Florence will be going to California with her family for the whole duration of summer. Scarlet and Idallene are grounded for the entire summer as they went out last week taking Scarlet's brother's car without permission. Although they all know how to drive, they are still not permitted to bring their own cars. They all have their personal drivers to take them wherever they want to go anyway. But the two, just loves escaping their strict parents. As consequence of being caught, they are both grounded and can't join the three girls on this trip.

"Did you bring the red Cloche?" Tin Tin asked about the hat they bought last week before she entered the bathroom.

"Tin! Don't tell me you're not finished packing?!" Doryn shrieked one more time.

"Just a few more accessories and I'm done. Don't blame me, I have to check what you brought along so we don't go out in matching outfits." Tin Tin reasoned out.

They all went out shopping last week for the sole purpose of this trip. They are all blessed financially and spoiled by their parents who are either entrepreneurs or CEOs of multinational companies in the country. Despite the fact that they are born rich and their closets can be measured to the size of a studio unit in condominiums, their 35-square meter walk-in is never filled. Yes they do regular shopping, like on a bi-monthly basis, but they just can't fill their closets. That is primarily because the girls love to donate their stuff to orphanages. They have good hearts and donate their clothes regularly and they host luncheons quarterly on their favorite Home for the Aged, Golden Grannies, the foundation funded by Idallene's mother.

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