The truth is uncovered part2

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Dylan and I were still looking at Mr. Anthony in shock at his sudden outburst when Rosie found us and started dragging us towards the parking lot. "Why are you blushing Melody?" She asked making me have to look away in embarrassment when Dylan turned around to look at me. He was the last person I wanted to see or talk to right now.

"Oh no need to tell me." She said. I sighed in relief. "For now" She stated firmly. I groaned at hearing this. Of course she wouldn't just let me off the hook for this!! What was I even thinking? She never let's me off the hook, so why start now?


"See ya at dinner Dyl! Oh and My mum told you me to tell you that we were gonna have to find somethin' to eat for dinner 'cause she had to work late!" Rosie yelled out of my window. "You could of told me sooner ya know???!!!!" Dylan yelled back. "See ya Melody!" He yelled over to me with a wink! "And don't forget to tell my cuz every little detail of what happened next to the detention room!" He said cheekily.

I poked my tongue out at him. "Sure thing I'll be glad to. But just remember that you started and that I was the one that ended it! Plus remember why I was grinning? Well I'll tell her that in SO much detail!" I said with a smug look on my face knowing that I pissed him off.

He glared at me before stalking off into their house slamming the door behind him, and very loudly may I add! I cracked up laughing now knowing a way I could piss him off. I looked over at Rosie who was frowning.... Oops I forgot that she doesn't like not knowing things. She always thinks we're talking about her behind her back. I never get why because she knows that she can trust me wtih anything so it's really upsetting knowing that she doesn't trust me as much as she used to now...

"Care to explain what that was all about now?" She stated not asked. I sighed and told her the whole story. At the end she looked mad and pissed off at me. She started the car andstarted the long drive back to my place without another word.

We were infront of my house and she still hadn't talked to me since i told her the story..... You see Rosie is nice when she wants to be but when you do something to piss her off she gets quite upset and become from fun to a bitch. This porbably gives you a negative feeling about her but she has a bad life and has an excuse for being bitchy and rude. She's not rude all the time but when she's pissed off well thats a different story that is....

"Are you 'kay Rose?" I asked her feeling slightly worried. I expected her to yell at me or do something mean but instead she just answered with a clear voice.... "I've got a confession to make...." She stopped hesitantly wondering if she could go on. She looked around. She looked like she was having a hard time trying to explain to me. " It's okay. Tell m when your ready and I'll be there to listen. Promise." I said patting her shoulder lightly.

"NO!" She exclaimed. "No. I want to tell you now." She said slowly an more calmly. " Remember all those times we'd be talking in your room and then I'd get a text and I'd rush out of there not telling you where I'm going?" She says slowly biting her bottom lip. I nod cautiously bracing myslef for the next bit of the story. She sighs a long, deep sigh as if to give up. "UGGGHHH!! I was going to see Dylan all those times." She admits, a bit too dramtically. "Whats the problem with that? He's just your cousin... I don't get why you woul hide that from me..." I say.

"That's the problem Mel!! He's not my cousin! He's my Boyfriend!!!" She blurts out exassperated! My jaw might of just hit the ground I'm not to sure right now. I'm acctually not too sure of anything.


HAHA Cliff hanger!!!

Love me or hate me?

Hope this keep you occupied for a bit!I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in ages!! Forgive me! =)

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I'm sorry that this isn't too long but i'll try to make the chapters longer! Promise!

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