Uh Oh... Drama! - Chapter 4

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So here's the next chapter.... I'm sorry it took so long! I hope you guys will still read it! :) enjoy!


"WHAT?!" I yelled. She flinched back not expecting me to yell so loudly. I can't believe Dylan took advantage of me like that!

What kind of a person would do that while they're going out with someone?! It's just not right. I hate being in a relationship or someone kisses you and then you find out they have a girl friend!

Especially when you thought that he was your best friends cousin but turned out to be her boyfriend! I felt disgusted and ashamed! How did I not see the stolen glances and the fact that they sat way to close to each other at the cafeteria?! Or the fact that his arm would be swung around her waist whenever they walked beside her. I guess my mind just processed it as something all cousins would do.

I ran out of the house and lost it. I ran into the woods and while I was running I was suddenly aware of the fact that I was going super fast, faster then humanly possible! I skidded to a halt and looked around. Everything looked so different, as if I was looking throguh someone elses eyes. I reached up to scratch my head but ended up tripping over my own 2 feet, or should I say 4? My eyes widened and I started to scamper up. I looked down at my paws and I trotted around for a while. What was happening? I swear if Edward Cullen shows up I'm gonna scream! Or howl, or whatever a werewolf does!

After a while of pacing around, wondering what was happening to me, I started to get really sleepy. I decided to take a nap so I walked over to a tree and layed down against it. The shade was nice and refreshing. I started to doze off, hoping that when I woke up it was only just a dream.

3 hours later

I woke up and looked over at my alarm clock for the time. 7:35pm it read. I groaned and turned over and onto my belly. Wait! I shot up and looked down at my hands, suddenly remembering my wolf like paws. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding once I saw my normal hands. I looked at what I was wearing and saw that I was wearing denim short shorts and a tank top. I wondered how I got into bed and who changed me. I concluded that I must have fallen asleep, dreamed a crazy dream and Rosie changed me and put me to bed. I smelt a delicious waft of food coming from downstairs and as if on cue my stomache rumbled. I walked downstairs to see Dylan holding a bunch of pizza box's and paying the delivery guy.

"What are you doing here?" I said, coming out ruder then I meant it to.

"Rosie want's to talk to you." He said without even looking at me and walking into the lounge room. I followed him in and saw Rosie sitting on the couch biting her lip and clutching a pillow to her chest. Her eyes were looking dead straight into the T.V. Dylan sat next to her breaking her gaze. He nudged her and pointed at my direction. Looking confused she turned to face me. When she saw me her whole face lit up with worry.

"OMG are you ok?! If I had known I would have stopped you or gone out to look for you sooner! I'm so sorry!!!" She said engulfing me in a hug.

"Woah! Rosie whate the hell are you talking about? Slow down and try to explain." I said while walking down and sitting on one of the single couches.

"So you don't remember any of it?" She asked raising her eyebrow at me.

"Remember any of what???" I say looking confused.

"Werewolf, running, sleeping under a tree. Any of that sound familiar. Oh and don't forget the ripped clothes. I'm guessing it was you're first time right?" She said putting a hand on her hip with her eyebrow still raised.

"How did you know about my dream? Was I sleep talking and first time? What the hell are you talking about? I haven't had sex with anyone since... well, since ever!" I said trailing off. I was confused at hell and hoped that she would explain what the hell she was talking about already!

"Oh god... Was I this annoying when I first transformed?" She groaned looking at Dylan who just nodded. She sighed and looked back at me. "Melody you're a werewolf."

Another cliffhanger!!! haha please don't kill me! :) anyway... hope you like it! I'm sorry for any bad grammar or spelling mistakes... I've done 5 tests that was around an hour each the WHOLE day... my brain is literally about to switch off... anyway.. ENJOY! xx

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to @BlazingSkittleRouges because, well she asked for it... haha! If you want the next chapter dedicated to you just ask! :) I might set up this thing where i give you a qustion at the end of a chapter and the first person to answer it gets the dedication..?

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