Chapter 6

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Solus's POV

I crossed my arms and shared a look with the bots all present. "This is only the beginning for us. Unicron and the Shadow Assassins have the upper hand now but we will come out on top. Till all are one!"
"Till all are one!" Alpha, Megatronus, and Optimus copied.
I let my gaze cross over the bots, cons and humans staring at the four of us like we grew another helm.  "It's the rallying cry of the primes don't ask why." I told them sticking my hip out.
The others all shared a look before staring behind me. Even my brothers and Optimus started to back up. "Shadowblade is behind me isn't she?"
They didn't respond so I turned and found a katana pointed at my neck. I looked into its owners optics and saw a stern line on her lip components. "Solus it's good to see you." Shadowblade stated.
"Shadowblade, I can't say the same." I growled keeping my optics trained solely on her movement.
She smirked and put her katana away. "I almost forgotten how defiant you were. No matter." Shadow frowned again. "Though I must say Solus, with what is nearing, that I'm surprised at how loyal you are to them." She gestured at the mechs behind me. "I suggest you enjoy you time with them while you can." She turned her back to me. "For next we meet it'll be either you or them."
With that said Shadowblade disappeared in a puff of angry purple smoke. I just stared at where she disappeared wonder what she meant fully. I only knew it wasn't going to be good for anyone.
I felt a servo on my shoulder and looked up into Megatronus's optics. They held the emotion he felt... Fear, anger, sadness... I looked away. Something was coming to take everything good, everything that someone loves, a hope for a better day, away. I just hope this little team can help. What I fail to notice was that the cons in the very back of the group had also disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

~~~~~HELP ~~~~
I need help everyone. Massive writers block has struck me causing me to rewrite the chapter several times. I need ideas to help progress the story. I need your guys help. Please comment your ideas.

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