Chapter 8

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Solus POV

I stopped in a cave after losing sight of my not brothers anymore... The Primes. Tears of energon fell from my optics as I broke down. How could I have attacked Optimus? How could I have thought him as Shadowblade?
A sharp cool breeze blew through my circuits forcing a shiver from me as I curled into a tight ball.

Optimus POV

I could only stare in shock as Prima sent Solus away. She looked confused and scared. Megatronus held out a servo for me to take. I took it and he lifted me up onto my peds. He did not speak, no one did. Ratchet opened the bridge and everyone began to file through. I looked around the clearing to see Solus's Forge laying beside a tree. I moved carefully towards it, mindful of my injury. I lifted it up and it hummed.
I have to tell everyone what I saw before they had arrived. That this wasn't Solus's fault.

Solus POV

I had drifted off into a little recharge what the clanging of metal on rock reached my audios. I sprang to my peds and reached for my forge only I remember that I left it in the clear. I waited for something to happen but only the sound grew nearer.
"Solus," I recognized the voice and spun to face Unicron.
He stood there watching me before coming closer. "Stay back!" I snapped as I shook.
"I can't comfort my own daughter when she is hurt?" He mocked the hurt as I back away from him.
"Knowing you this is out of the ordinary." I growled but couldn't attack without a weapon.
"You know me very well then Solus. But tell me this, the primes betrayed you, casted you out, they could see your hurt reflecting all over you, and those who would defend you was silence by shock. So why should you defend them when you can help your sisters to destroy them." Unicron reasoned.
I paused thinking of what he said. I shook it from thought. "N-No they'll see that they made a mistake and right their wrong."
"Do you even believe in your own words?"
"I-I-I don't know anymore." I whisper falling to my knees as tears fell once more. I felt a had on my shoulder and looked up to see Unicron kneeling down.
"Come home to us Solus. Be the one you were meant to be." He whispered.
What I didn't know is he planted more dark energon with in me. I closed my optics to think things over. I opened them and looked right into Unicron's. "Yes, Father." My optics swirl in colors before ending in a bright purple. My father only smirked and the world around us faded.

Optimus POV

Ratchet patched up the gash and still no one talked. I had to tell them. Prima looked at me as if sensing I would say something. "She didn't attack me." I said quietly but it still shattered the silence that filled the base. Everyone looked at me and Prima shook his head.
"She did attack you, Optimus. We all saw her." Was all Prima said.
"No she didn't." I looked at him fully. "She stopped suddenly and a purple wisp surrounded her. Her optics turned purple but when you all appeared they returned to normal."
"Optimus, you saw things to make you believe that Solus is innocent. What she did today showed everyone that she is a Shadow Assassin and not a Prime." Prima was firm in his statement to get my to stop.
"To you perhaps but everyone knows that you and Solus never saw optic to optic." I replied.
Prima stood and glared at me. "Optimus she was my sister. I respected her but you can't change basic programming. The Primes were created to stop Unicron and the Shadow Assassins. The Shadow Assassins were created to kill Primus and the Primes."
"Except she could have very easily killed Primus many times, could have killed all of you but she didn't. She is a prime." I stood to leave. "And you can fight basic programming. Many have."
I left the base and took flight. Solus was a Prime. She is my sister.

Short chapter I know but I wanted to post something for Thanksgiving about not giving up on family. So here you guys are.

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