101 Ways to torture a Banana

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1. Use it as fish bait

2. Eat it

3. Light it on fire

4. Drown it

5. Read it bad fanfiction

6. Stick it in front of a really scary horror movie

7. Cut it up

8. Deep fry it

9. Make it stay with your younger siblings for a week

10. Use it as a punching bag

11. Use it as a paintbrush

12. Smash it

13. Hide it under your dirty couch

14. Flush it down the toilet

15. Use it as a shooting target

16. Throw it out a window

17. Give it to your neighbor's pet dog

18. Strangle the banana

19. Make it read War and Peace in Pig Latin

20. Leave it in a lecture hall

21. Feed it to your pet

22. Behead it

23. Use it as a fencing target

24. Give it to the class pets to use as bedding

25. Stick it in the garbage

26. Leave it in a public restroom

27. Drop it from a plane

28. Use it as a sponge

29. Send it to interrogation and have it asked stupid questions

30. Attack it with a chainsaw

31. Give it a rug burn

32. Stick it in the washing machine

33. Leave it in the monkey's habitat at the zoo

34. Send it to prison for a life sentence

35. GRENADES!!!!!!

36. Have a horse trample over it

39. Leave it in the wild with noting but a dead cellphone

40. Send it to Antarctica with a speedo

41. Put it in the freezer

42. Send it on the outside of a rocket to the moon

43. Send it to the sun

44. Have it hand scrub sweaty clothes

45. Dangle it over a volcano

46. Shoot it with a machine gun

47. Make it do everyone's homeowrk

48. Dye it an ugly color

49. Lock it in a box and ship it to the North Pole

50! Have it learn about the history of logging during the Civil War

51. Have it learn an obscure kind of dialect

52. Have it write a 300 page book in that language

53. Make it learn all the digits of π

54. Make it factor a prime expression

55. Have it eat 5 week old leftovers

56. Feed it a radioactive compound

58. Make it count to 10 billion by ones

59. Make it drink a used toilet

60. Take its winning lottery ticket

61. Make it give an oral report on the origins of each of the letters of the alphabet

62. Spear it on a sword

63. Take away its Netflix privileges

64. Disable its phone until it no longer works

65. Sentence it to listen to off-key opera music for 30 hours

66. Add it to a shish-kabob and slowly roast it over a fire

67. Give it to a hungry vegan great white shark

68. Make it spend 5 hours in a carnival porta-potty

69. Two words: A Minefield

70. Inject it with toxic soy sauce

71. Step on it

72. Dress it up in tight pantyhose

73. Make it paint pictures, then destroy them

74. Say to it, " call the Guinness book of World Records, we have a winner for worlds ugliest being"

75. Feed it mashed bananas. (It's a cannibal!)

76. Use it as a snowman nose

77. Make it sleep on a rocky floor with no blankets or pillows

78. Test it with the medieval torturous methods

79. If it loves to talk, ignore it

80. Take its peel

81. Lost all of its faults and tell it rudely to fix them

82. Launch a war against it

83. Spin it on a wheel for a long time

84. Cover it in chocolate and eat it for dessert

85. Practice cutting with scissors on it

86. Leave it in the desert with no water and after a steam bath

87. Have it write a 3000 page book in 3 days for life or death

88. Have it smell people's feet

89. Brand it with a branding iron

90. Enter it in the Hunger Games

91. Suspend it off the face of a cliff

93. Make it your servant

94. Play creepy things when it's trying to fall asleep

95. All fan people attack it because it dissed their opts

96. Have it drink a bottle of spicy hot hot-sauce

97. Shove wasabi in its mouth

98. Lock it in a room with the guy with the smelly fars

99. Impale it with many sticks

100. Run over it with a car


That was 101 ways to torture a banana, hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for next list.

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