Little Miss Trouble

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Hey people! So, this is my new book. It’s not my first, but it is on Wattpad. I WILL be finishing it, so I hope you enjoy.

Vomment please!


Bangles, check.

Converses, check.

Mentos, check.

I pushed the door open with one hand, and stepped inside. The wrinkled office lady glanced up at me, then did a double take and looked again. I took in her expression and smirked as her eyes flickered from the tip of my head to the toe of my shoes.

“Please take a seat, I’ll be with you in a moment,” she stuttered.

I didn’t bother answering, instead merely flicking my hair and plonking myself in the nearest seat. Why did the world have to be burdened with wrinkled office ladies?  Every school I had been to employed miserable, grouchy ladies who seemed to be solely obsessed with frowning and making you wait as long as possible.

I looked at the guy beside me. In a second I could tell he wasn’t cool. He wasn’t a jock, or a skater. But he wasn’t a nerd, either. This guy was decent looking, with toned muscles and a sense of style- or at least a sense of cleanliness. But he wasn’t my type.

“Hey,” he nodded.

“Uh… hi,” I replied.

“I’m Nathan,” he said.

“Nice name,” I replied.

There was a silence. For him it was probably awkward. Actually, it was a pretty awkward silence. It felt like a ninja had been introduced to a pirate- everybody holding their breath, waiting for someone to make the first move.

My eyes roved around the small waiting room. Countless certificates plastered the walls, each assuring the parent or student that this school was the best ever, due to its many achievements. I noticed that some certificates were dated from 1978.

In the corner of the room hung a large, and rather forbidding, wooden cross with what was meant to be

“So…” Nathan said, “Your name?”

I rolled my eyes internally. Take a hint, will you? Well, as long as I was stuck in this boring room, I may as well have some fun.

“Rebecca. Rebecca Black,” I told him.

He whistled, long and low.

“You’ve got a lot of enemies” Nathan declared.

“I try my best. And, I mean, it is Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday!” I sang.

“Oh no,” Nathan remarked, “Spare me!”

“Yesterday was Thursday! Today is Friday!” I continued.

“No, no!” He pleaded, putting his hands over his ears.

“Fun, fun, fun, fun. Looking forward to the weekend!” I chanted.

“Such original lyrics. Did you come up with them all by yourself?”

“Who, me?” I asked, “Nah. I don’t have that much imagination.”

He laughed, and I even cracked a smile.

“Is it just me, or do you seem to be avoiding telling me your name?”

“That’s possible,” I replied, “but it’s also possible that I’m a dinosaur in disguise.”

“Well, as long as you’re a purple dinosaur, that’s fine by me,” Nathan answered.

Again I smiled. Finally! Someone who got it!

“Yep,” I said. I popped the ‘P’.

“Yes!” he half- shouted, “Finally, someone who gets it!”

I stared at him in wonder. That was like, telepathicnas. Telepathy. A seriously wacked up connection of the brain.  We could be those redhead twins in Harry Potter, Freddie and George.

“Bags being Freddie,” I mumbled.

He looked confused. I don’t really blame him. Most people find me confusing.

It was at this point that I noticed the grumpy office lady. If eyes could shoot ninja stars, I’d be dead. Well, maybe not. I’m pretty good at dodging.

But, back to the point. The office lady was giving us a look that obviously said: Be quiet or I will personally stab you with a pencil.

“By the way,” Nathan said, “are you going to see the principal?”

“Probably,” I replied.

“Word of advice,” he said, “Get rid of your gum. It’s his pet hate.”

“It’s not gum,” I said, staring at him. I hate people making that mistake. “It’s a mentos.”

Now might be a good time to confess: I am obsessed with Mentos. It doesn’t matter where I am, or what I’m doing. I must, at all times, have a ready supply of five to ten mentos at my side.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he replied.

And, you guessed it. Another awkward silence.

“What brings you to Greenbloom high?” he asked.

OhMyGod. Already the cheesy name of my new school had started to annoy me. What kind of school is named ‘Greenbloom’?

I considered the options I had to reply. Immediately I ruled out the truth. That was for my mind only to know. I could pretend my father came to work in a new town, or that my family was looking for a change of scene. Maybe I could pretend my old house burned down?

“Guess I’m just a rebel without a cause,” I replied. In a way, this was the truth.

“That much is obvious,” he smirked.


“You refused to tell me your name!”

“So, what, that automatically makes me a rebel?”

“Well, aren’t you a rebel?” he asked defensively.

“Yea!” I debated, “But what if I wasn’t a rebel and I had still refused to tell you my name?”

He pondered for a moment.

“If you weren’t a rebel, you would have told me your name.”

I shook my head in disbelief as the office lady stood up.

“If you’ll follow me?” the office lady asked in my direction.

 Stretching and cracking my joints I stood up.

“Wait!” Nathan called, “I didn’t get your name!”

I turned to him.

“Tasha,” I said, and winked.


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