Little miss trouble- 2.

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So guys? What did you think of the last chapter? Was it awesome or what? I hope so!!!! Do you think it has the potential of becoming a REALLY GOOD STORY? I hope so!!! So many hopes.... haha.

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter!!! And I hope you like Tasha :) Well the whole story is about her rebellious life! Anyway please vomment or RCVF whatever you call it! Enjoy.

Lots of love,



The office lady, the wrinkled lady, led me past the desk and around to a corridor. At the end was a door that said, PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE!  Seriously, a long big corridor to the principal’s office? Oh gosh!!! The office lady whose name was um.... urgh I can’t read it. Uhhh.... it looks like Kelly Hindleka, not too sure with the gold of the badge shining in my face. Anyway she stopped walking which signalled I have to walk the long corridor of doom myself.

“Quit staring at my chest!” Mrs Hindleka said. God, does she think I am an idiot? Why would I stare at an old lady’s chest.Ewww!!

"Yea," I replied, "Sorry to disappoint you, but honestly, even if I were so inclined, you've got nothing worth seeing."

She stiffened. Opps. Had I gone too far already?

"The principal's office is down there," the office lady announced.

Gawd. State the obvious much? But she wasn't mad, so that was cool.

“Yeah, ok! Anything else? And by the way, to make it look more of a spooky walk, you should invest in some flaming torches along the wall. I think it will bring in some suspense. Just saying.”

She looked at me in disbelief, as most tend to do with me, and walked off. I was left alone, in the corridor, on the way to see the principal. This was like a horror movie- the long, dark corridor leading to a single, unopened door.  I walked down the corridor, seemingly casually, trying to keep visions of zombies out of my head.

Eventually, I stopped in front of the looming door. In scary movies they tend to knock on the door three times before it opens. So I tried it. Knock! Knock! KNOCK!!! Silence....

“Come in!” a voice shouted.

That totally ruined the mood.

I opened the door and entered the principal’s office. Everything was red. Seriously! Not joking. He had a red desk, some red velvet chairs, red bookcases that were filled with red binder folders, red curtains, a red carpet, I could go on!

Anyway I walked in and stood in front of the principal’s desk where he looked up at me. He was around the 50’s with greying hair. He was wearing a red suit, go figure and polished red shoes. He was a plump fellow, which added to the effect of him looking like a tomato.A plump red tomato. Speaking of tomatoes, his window ledge was full of them!!!

Tomatoes = yuck! I hated this guy already.

“Your majesty!” I said as I kneeled before him. Just me being stupid! But honestly do you get to do that in front of a tomato guy? I just grabbed the chance.

“Oh get up and sit down.” He said sighing as he gestured towards the velvet plush seats. I, without reluctance, jumped up and plonked myself down. I felt my gluteus maximus sink into the seat as the velvet took me as a mould in wet cement. Yet this wasn’t wet, it was soft. So soft.

“Now. Welcome to Greenbloom High! The school who provides the best education for anyone!” Here we go! “Now, Tasha .... Williams? Did I say that correctly?” I nodded. It is a simple name, why do you have to ask? He straightened his red coat and continued.

“Greenbloom High is well known for its many academic achievements. You have shown us a wide range of achievements in your portfolio. Remember your interview? We accepted you because we knew you would make this school proud.”

Pfft! As if! That portfolio was made by me cutting out my head and sticking it onto various scenes. For example, I stuck my head on a girl who won the science prize, winning a swimming medal, with the badminton team, winning a debating championship and blah blahblah. Although the badminton team is true.Ssh! Don’t laugh. I had to pick a sport, and badminton sounded the easiest, although it was pretty hard. You had to run!

“Tasha?” he asked.

 I snapped out of my thoughts and back into the red reality.

“Yes, sir! I believe I am pro at all of the academic achievements that were listed. But! Do not ask me to do anything! Nothing! Ok? I will choose and that is that!” I ended up off my seat and eyeballing the principal.

“Ok then... “ he said quite startled. “Yes... yes. They have you listed for causing trouble.” He muttered, although I could hear him quite clearly.

Trouble was my middle name.  Known for everything that is against the rules is what made my personality at my old school. And...what got me kicked out. So now my parents shipped me off to some boarding school, Greenbloom High. Unbelievable!

I shrugged, “Everyone who knows me, knows me as trouble. It is like I have a big trouble sign on the back of me.”

“Yes! Two things.... We will straighten out your bad discipline and rearrange it into good discipline. The other thing is, you do have the word trouble stuck on your back.” He looked at me unsure.

“Yeah righ.....” I fumbled around my back when I felt the piece of paper. Oh great!! Whoever did that would get revenge!! Revenge I tell you, REVENGE!!! I looked at the piece of paper and in a messy handwriting the word TROUBLE was loud and clear. There was also a little purple dinosaur in the corner. Urgh....

“Nathan...” I said gritting my teeth. That mongrel! How did he do that? Urgh!! I better be more careful around him.

“Yes, yes. Now, I believe you will need your timetable?”

“Yes sir!” Fantastic! A timetable? The reason I am being so nice to him is because if I get kicked out of this school, I will be going to military school. Urgh!! I said as I my body wiggled in the chair in disgust.

The principal handed me a plastic sleeve which was full of stuff that I needed, including keys to my room. That sparked a new question.

“Sir? Am I sharing? A room I mean?”

“Yes, there are three other girls your age who will straighten you out. Well, I hope.”

Fantastic! I have to share a room with three other girls for the rest of the year! Noo..

“Well you should be off and unpacking! Settle into your room and get ready for a new term which starts tomorrow.”

“Great!” I said as I stood up to go.

“And I know this isn’t going to be your last visit in here.”

"Probably," I agreed.

"Oh, and Tasha," he said, "One more thing."

"Yep?" I asked. I popped the 'p'.

"Spit out your gum."

"It's not gum," I replied, "it's a mentos."

With that being said I left the room and ventured down the corridor with my pack. I rounded the corner and saw Nathan still sitting there.

“Hi! Bye!” I said as he stood up and turned to face me. And at that I left the office with the widest smirk on my face.

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