Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I step around Leon and take stock of my surroundings for the first time since the fight. My eyes instantly flick over to the thrones, where the King and Queen should be sitting though that's far from the scene I see in front of me.

"What is wrong with them?" Edmon asks. I look over to the scene in front of the thrones, just at the top of the short flight of marble steps, to see a small crowd of people caring for two, who I assume are the King and Queen laying on the floor.

"I knew Jewles was killing them slowly with the help of magic but there was no way he would still be able to have an effect on them at this distance was there?" I mutter to myself.

I follow Leon and Edmon shadowing them as they walk over to their still forms and mechanically crouch down in the middle of them both ignoring the warm sensation trailing down my neck.

Hovering one hand over each of them I focus on what little magic I have left to search for signs that I may be able to save them. No one tries to stop me as I do this, not even Edmon. It is common enough knowledge by now that I am extremely capable when it comes to healing and I would be able to give the palace healers a run for their money. Even this little check has me extremely weakened. I don't know what I am going to be able to do with such little energy, with just a flicker of my magic.

You will do all you can. You always do and always will. Sket reminds me as she hears my thoughts begin to falter.

"Jewle's magic is suffocating them." Even my voice sounds detached as I relay the news.

"Can you do anything?" Asks Edmon crouching down in front of me. I look up once again into his eyes, he's fighting back tears, I can see the sorrow and fear hidden in his features. All hurt and betrayal that was there mere minutes before has all but disappeared, worry and angst for his parents replacing that. I know I must try something. I place my hand on his shoulder and feel him instantly relax slightly at my touch, at that point I vow to myself to do everything in my power to save his parents. Anything that might take away an inch of his pain.

"I can try. I have almost used all my magic and the fight has taken a lot of my energy. I fear I may not be able to save both. It will involve me forcing my own life-magic into them to drive his magic out, I have never seen it done before, only ever read about it. It is very complex magic." I relent knowing he needs to know just how tough this is going to be. He deserves to know exactly what is happening and how little experience I have with this. "I know you never want to hear this but if I can only save one, who should I save?" I ask in barely a whisper knowing this isn't a conversation he would like to have, let alone one where half the court is watching. They didn't get everyone while a fought for my life.

"Father, Mother couldn't cope without him." He replies without emotion as a single tear escapes. I quickly reach up to wipe it away allowing my hand to linger longer than I should. I nod letting him know I understand his decision.

"Your prophecy Ed. This is it; isn't it?" I ask touching a bloodied hand to his cheek. He leans into my touch and nods once.

"I knew my soulmage was powerful. I knew she would help to save my parents. I just didn't know for sure it was you. I suspected but I wasn't sure. Otherwise I would have made sure you were more rested. Postponed this ceremony for a couple of days. I guess that's fate." He whispers. I allow cool mist descends over me, my healing mist, a place I need to be to do all I can.

"Get these people out of here. I do not need an audience for this and nor do you." I command to Rohann and the guards. Rohann doesn't hesitate, taking the direct order form me, to begin ushering the various Ladies and men but the others turn to Edmon, awaiting his orders. I look back at him pleading that he will allow this. I know he needs it and I know I need the fewest onlookers as possible. I'm surprised the guards and the rest of the newly appointed knights are still hovering. If I were a bystander, in their position, I would be doing my duty and setting up a perimeter, guarding every possible entrance and exit to this room. I certainly wouldn't be standing around, staring open mouthed at the scene in front of them.

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