Following my father's footsteps

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Zack's Pov

Son as you are reading this I want you to prepare yourself because what you are about read may be difficult to accept. I hope this doesn't change your perspective of me, deep down I am a good person but we all have that dark and terrible side in us, I just didn't know how to control it sometimes.

I wish I could've told you this sooner but my decaying health isn't going to let me. A long time ago when I met your mother she was in love with someone else, I was jealous. I couldn't bare the thought of your mother being with someone else. It broke my heart to see your mom smile with him. The worst part is that after a while your mom decided to be with me even though she loved him. When she said she was pregnant with you I thought that would make things better.

But it didn't son. I found out she was still in love with him, your mother was having an affair. When I found out it killed me inside, it brought out a monster in me that I didn't know existed. The worst part in all of this is that the man she was having an affair with was my best friend. The reason I'm writing this in a past tense because firt of all he isn't my best friend anymore and because I killed them both.

I'm writing this while I'm rotting and dying in jail son, the reason I wrote this for you is to make sure you be a better man than me. I'm probably not going to be able to finish writing this so I'm sorry for my mistakes son. I love you and if the footprints that I left are too deep make sure you walk in a different direction.

I turned pale after reading that. I looked at the lady that I thought was my mom all my life and I asked her "ok who are you really?" She turned to me and said "I'm a good friend of your father, I took you in when they took him away". I hug this nice woman "thank you but why did you take me in?"

She rubbed the back of my head and said "because nobody knew your father like I did not even your real mother, she never appreciated him". I give her a hug and say "I'm glad you did, thank you for being my mother". She kisses my forehead and says "you deserve it, I will always love you like if you were mine".

The doctor called me in so I got up slowly and limped in his office. He gave me a quick check up and said "well it looks like everything is fine, you might want to take it slow these days until you heal up". I say "thanks doc, can I have a lollipop?" The doctor gave me that look like are you serious, then he handed me the lollipop and said "here kiddo it's root beer flavor". I look at him for a second and say "what I fucking love lollipops".

All of you are probably asking yourselves why I asked for a lollipop, I'll get to that later. After I got checked up I went to school and took class for a bit, since we all were going to get time off of school because the teachers were going on strike the teachers really weren't giving class. So I was just walking around the school for a while. That's when I saw Courtney and Jessica.

And of course they just had to say something "hey what's up loser". I sit next to them and say "what's up hoe". They laugh and Jessica says as she rubbed her thigh "you wish you could have all of this". I gag and say "I rest my case, hoe with a capital H". Courtney says "we both know that you're in love with Elizabeth, she's the real hoe".

I got a bitter taste in my mouth after hearing that "why do you say that Courtney?" Jessica and Courtney look at each other and giggle a really snobby giggle too. Courtney says "we saw her making out with your best friend last night, they were on top of each other and everything". My eyes tear up a bit just remembering what I saw last night.

Jessica laughs in my face and says "oh my God, are you going to cry you little bitch?" I start to shake and I take a deep breath. Ok so remember that lollipop I asked for at the doctor's office. I grabbed the little plastic stick and shoved it right in Jessica's right eye. Courtney was going to scream but before she could I said so calmly "you two really shouldn't of pissed me off today".

Jessica was screaming in pain until she passed out, Courtney was just in shock. I told Courtney "ok this is going to be your story, you were running with Jessica to go to the bathroom and she fell and the lollipop she just finished went right in her eye ok". Courtney asked "what if she tells the truth?" As I got up I said answered "I'm sure you'll convince her".

The next day everyone was hugging Jessica like she was some hero, I just stood there with a smirk on my face knowing that I was in the clear. Courtney stood next to me and said "I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you". I ask Courtney "why are you apologizing now?"

She wipes a tear from her face and says "because I know I was wrong and Jessica is a real bitch sometimes, she went to far yesterday, we went to far yesterday I should say". I grab Courtney's hand and say "I'm not going to hurt you Courtney, at least you know you were wrong".

She caresses my hand with her thumb and says "I know you wouldn't hurt me, I know the real side of you even though you can be bat shit crazy sometimes but I see the sweet kid that read that nice poem in English class that day". I look at Courtney and say "thanks Courtney you should be nice more often like damn, it would be chill hanging out with you". She looks at the floor shyly and says "I am going to be nicer now after you scared the shit out of me".

I grab Courtney's waist and squeezed it, I pulled her closer and kissed her. Then I said "you know you are just as crazy as me, even though you saw the fucked up thing I did yesterday you just made a new friend". She just stood there and smiled as I walked away, she asked "so I guess I'll see you later?" I wink and say "maybe". She blushed and walk to her next class.

Today was a good day ;)

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