How I Met Your Father

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A/N: So this isn't much of a short story, and I admit it may be a bit long, but I really enjoyed writing this story. I thought it was a cool idea to work with. I know there are mistakes, but I'll correct them later. Enjoy!

Michelle looks up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes, filled with innocence. "But Mommy-" Oh, Lord. She's started whining again. I force a smile on my face. Truth is, I'm just too tired today. It's the weekend, and the kids seem to have vowed to act out as much as possible. But I do love them. "Yes, honey?" I stroke her cheek affectionately. 

"I wanna know how you and Daddy met!" The way she says makes my heart melt. She's only 9 years old, and I know that she won't be this way forever. I should know. Ask me where Renee was, and all I would be able to tell you is that she is in her room. I won't know what she's doing, of course, but I trust her. Of course, trust can only go so far.

"Hmm, okay. But first call your sister. God, she may be a teenager, but she's holed up in that room all day long!" As soon as I say it, Michelle scampers off. 

A few minutes later, Michelle comes running down the stairs with vigour, and sure enough, Renee is there behind her. Of course, she doesn't look as interested as Michelle, but there seems to be a bit of curiosity behind her expression.

"Girls," I announce, "for the purpose of this story, I'm just going to change the names around a little bit. And then you can guess who the father is in the story. Alright?"

I pat my lap, as a gesture for Michelle to sit. Renee smirks and quietly drops herself on the edge of the sofa. Michelle nudges me softly. "Go ahead."


"Ohmygosh, Jenna, check out the cutie at 12 o' clock. Yum." Winnie squeals excitedly, and I look straight ahead. She's right. He's got floppy dark brown hair that falls perfectly at the sides of his head, sharp features, those big eyes that make him look both vulnerable and innocent, with a sense of deviousness behind them. His skin is tan, but that's nothing abnormal. It is summer vacation, after all. After the summer, I'd go on to my third year of college. 

"You're actually right. He's preeeettttyyy cute!" I bite my lip. 

Narrowing her eyes at me, she says, "Uh, saw him first, Jenna." She winks at me and starts to make her way to Cute Boy. We're in the middle of Borders, the book store, and he looks pretty deep into the book he's reading. Of course, Winnie wouldn't care. She beckons for me to follow her. I raise an eyebrow. Gosh, I'll have to go through a sickening amount of flirting. Then she'll manage to find me a "friend" so we can all double-date. Then she breaks up with "The One-but-not-any-more", and fortunately, forces me to break things of with the "friend-but-secretly-makes-weird-advances-and-is-all-gropey". Story of my life.

"Hi, I'm sorry, but could you tell me where the Literature section is?" Winnie asks sweetly. 

Cute Boy looks up and blinks. "Uh....well, we're actually in the Literature section...." He holds up the book he's reading. Tolstoy. Well, he's got brains. That, I'll admit. 

I smile at him. "Tolstoy. Big fan? Can't help but say I am, as well. What do you find most interesting about his works? Winnie loves Tolstoy, actually." I glare at her as a gesture to agree and make up something on the spot about Tolstoy.

He nods his head, but his eyes don't leave my face. "Yeah....actually, I was just leafing through the pages here. I thought I'd take a break and focus on Shakespeare, instead. I just saw this book on the shelf and....well, it just called out to me."

I look over at Winnie. She's out. She knew that she couldn't keep us with this guy even if they did end up together, mostly because most of the poems she liked to read were, apparently, found in rap songs by Flo Rida. This meant that I could have him. Score!

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