Blue & Pink

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*** So Hey Guys how do you like this story so far. I know I'm not getting any comments but in still going to write this because out there is someone out here reading this * lol *. But anyway if your reading this I hope you like it . :)) Any one want a shout out or to be dedicated , Comment & Vote.

 ^^ Picture Of Ques On The Side >>>>>>>>

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**** Manny's POV ****

Continue from Manny sitting in then den before the party . . .

Ugh , I guess I can go in here and see who all here now . I gotta be alot of people a cause its kind of noisey out there in and its been like 20 minutes I just been sitting here thinking about nothing. But I still want to know were the fuck that baby stuff came , but oo well.

I walked out the room and tripped over something. I looked down to noticed a oy right in front of my feet.

Wtf !

I picked it up. Then thats when I realized that it was a toy for a baby . It was one of those a toys that babies use while their teething.

Okaye , This shit is wired to . Who the fuck has a baby here ?

I sat it on the desk were I had sat the pacifier. I walked out the room and the party was live. It was already 30 people there. And I cant lie thou, that boy Marvin was doing his thing on the turn tables. He was killing that shit.

He was playing one of the livest songs out right now. Wowzers !

I was really starting to get into th music while i conitued tto walk into the room. Then I heard him talk over the mic.

" Ayee , There he is the man of the hour ya boy Manny. "

Everybody turned to see me as they cheered.

I walked up to the booth to speak on the mic. " Ayee , just wanna thank yall for coming out tonight. We gone Turn Up , Turn Down for what . "

As I was talking over the i noticed like 20 more people walk in.

I continued to talk.

" For all those who wanted to know were to buy some thing from my BASS clothing line we are selling thungs here tonight , just hit up my kil bro Ques and he got you. Okaye ima let the Dj finish. Turn Up !"

I walked down and went ove em to talk to Ques.

" Wassp lil bro ? " I asked him as I shook his hand

' Nun , just got done setting stuff up for your sells. We already sold like 10 things since the party started ' He told me

" Aww , Thats wassp . But ayee doing anything seem wired around here to you ? "

' Naw , but Toya did tell me that the Dj was Marvin thou. ' He stated

" Yea thats him . " I replied

' Do his name sound familiar , I swear it seemslike we know him from some were bur I just cant think of it right now & its killing me. But im gone find out. '

" Yea I said the same thing when I heard the name . And his face does look a lil familiar to me too , but its cool thou cause like you said we gone find out. "

' Fuck yea ' He agreed

" Oo yea but I been finding all l baby stuff around here that why I been asked I you notice somethimg wired. " I told him

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