Smiles , Screams & All Playful Themes

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Okaye Guys , i Need You to Comment & Vote , i Will Update Quicker , & Write Longer Chapters . .

Help Me Out & i Help You Out . . Deal ? lol

Comment On The Questions At The End Of The Story For a Quicker Update :) And i will shoutout the petson with rhe best comments .

But Here You Go . .

Please Excuse The Mistakes .



MutherFucker im the boss . . i call shots . . i tell you when to make the moves . .Dont you question me on my actions on who im looking for or why im looking for , Got it ??? Some help me cause i will blow yo fuckin brains out right here and right now . .

The room got qiuet as everyone stared at me .

" Naaah , im fuckin with you thou . " I put my gun back into my waste band while everybody was staring at me with this scared shitless / confussed face . I guess they didnt know weither to be scared or to laugh .

" But seriously thou , Im looking for some guys named Ques , Manny & Lou and their crew . They have connections i want. "

' He all good boss . His bitch ass still sleeping . '

" Damn Jim i didnt even see yo big ass come back into the room . But cool , Lets get some bitches over here and get some more smoke in the air . . Lets have a party .

New Chapter . .


*** Kagg's POV ***

5 hours later . .

" Damn " . i mumbled as i sat up in my chair.

I looked around the party room in the trap and this mutherfucker was completely trashed. Yall thought i was lien when i said ' Lets Have a Party ' huh ? Nah , my parties are always on point .

I sat up a little more then thats when i started to really get aware of my surroundings. My guys were scattered everywhere along with the bitches we had come through last night.

I tried getting up but sat back down when i noticed i had a bad as hangover . I pulled out my phone to see what time it is , it was 5 in the morning.

I got up and began to wake up everybody. On my way over to waking Jim up i tripped over this bitch who had no clothes on , she was completely naked and might i add baby girl body was banging thou. But i just shook it off.

20mins later

After everyone was woke i gave orders to clean up the trap. I was going home to take my blck ass back to sleep , at least till 11. I walked out the door and out to my car. But while i was unlocking my car door i noticed the basement window was opended.

' Shit '

I ran back inside and down to the basement . I turned the light on and it was exactly what i thought . Marvin exscaped.

*** Cali's POV ***

I was having a bad dream. My eyes darted open and the first thing i saw was tattoos on Ques light chest. Last night he had convenced me to stay over since there was so much going on and i just simply agreed and plus i just didnt want to go home any way. But believe me nothing happen and it wont for a while now.

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