Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:
The Beatles and I (man that sounds weird even now!) went uptown to this cute little deli to grab a bite of lunch. While I ate, I was bombarded still with questions. Not just from judgemental John Lennon but George and Ringo too. They were all most curious about me. Paul I could tell had to curb his tongue because he was supposed to know me! Questions came at me like 'How old are you?' Seventeen. 'What's your favourite colour?' Purple. 'Do you have any siblings?' Nope. 'Do you have a sweetheart?' No. 'Do you fancy anybody?' No one in particular. 'What's your favourite kind of man?' I'm not picky. I was beginning to think I was some big star being interviewed. After lunch, to my surprise, we had to go back to the studio.
"Just for a little bit. We have to wrap up some tracks." Paul informed me. He asked me if I'd be bored waiting for them to run through one more song and of course I said no. It was an absolute honour and once in a lifetime privilege to watch them jam together.
"This has to be real I'm obviously not dreaming from what I can tell." I thought to myself. I only wished I had my phone to take pictures of what I was actually experiencing. Of course that would mess with history, me having a smartphone in the early sixties! As we walked back into the studio, my eyes met those of another man who I'd seen and read about. Brian Epstein. He looked at me funny like I didn't belong there which I guess I didn't.
"Who's this?" He addressed the lads as we passed.
"Oh this is Ashley." John said absentmindedly as he lit up another cigarette.
"Well who is she?" He asked more specifically. My goodness they certainly didn't think talking like a person wasn't standing five feet in front of them was rude as anything did they?
"She belongs to Paul." George said which reminded me of their first film when asked about the 'little old man' in the train car with them.
"She's a friend of mine from out of town. Her family is going through rough times so she's staying with me for a spell. She won't cause trouble, right?" He said, using our cover once again.
"Right. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. My name is Ashley Bunting." I said as politely as I could to make a good first impression on the band's manager.
"And I you. Perhaps you could keep these four in check for me when I'm not around." He smiled at me.
"Oh I'll try." I giggled, to which John just snorted. It took everything I had to not backhand him for being a snot. It was my first day in a whole other timeline and the man who would one day be a grandfather dead before my time was being a complete ass to me.
"Don't let him get to you." Paul's words earlier that morning echoed in my head. So I just rolled my eyes visibly at him and walked off with Paul tagging along after me.
"Ashley?" He called. I stopped.
"I'm sorry about his behaviour, I really am." He said sympathetically. I just decided to brush it off.
"Oh don't worry about it." I shrugged.
"Hey, you said you knew some guitar, right?" He suddenly asked. I nodded my head.
"Maybe he'd soften up if you played some music for us." He suggested. I looked back at John talking with George and Ringo as they headed in our direction.
"Hm, maybe." I said. It wasn't a bad idea.
"Well come on then." He smiled eagerly as he led me by the hand. That's right. I was holding hands with Paul McCartney. Back in that day that was quite the statement in public! But hey we were friends. And we weren't in public. As we entered the sound booth, the other three caught up with us.
"Well don't you move fast, Ashley." John jeered at me noticing that I was still holding Paul's hand. I just bit my tongue and let go of his hand.
"It's not like that. He wanted me to sing and play for you guys." I said calmly. John gave me a disbelieving look.
"You can sing, Ashley?" George asked.
"Yeah I sing. Music is everything to me." I told him. I noticed Paul has gone over to grab an acoustic guitar that just happened to be John's.
"Here. Play this one." He said, handing it to me.
"Hey that's mine you know." He interjected as I thought he might.
"Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm not gonna hurt it." Those words spilled out of my mouth in a sarcastic tone before I could stop them. Normally I never spoke that way to anybody. But that man was seriously getting on my every last nerve. He looked at me with an incredulous stare but kept his mouth shut when Paul shot him a warning glance. The guitar felt rather familiar in my hands and I couldn't figure out why. My guitar back home looked quite similar, maybe it was the same brand.
"Umm what would you like me to play?" I said, suddenly feeling flustered after snapping at John.
"Whatever you like." Paul encouraged. I started strumming a few chords from a well known song to me.
There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some are gone and some remain.
The lyrics filled my head but I couldn't sing them! This was one of their songs! One they had yet to write!
"Oops." I thought, stopping.
"Why did you stop? That was quite the little tune." George said.
"Umm that was nothing. I was just warming up." I said. I couldn't divulge the title and lyrics of a nonexistent song.
"Ashley writes her own songs." Paul informed the others.
"Oh is that right?" Ringo was intrigued by that.
"Yeah I write songs. Here let me just think." I said, thinking of something that they might know. And suddenly the tune just came to me
I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart is hurtin me
I've got my pride and I know how to hide
All my sorrow and pain
I'll do my crying in the rain...
I only maybe heard this song once in passing but it was weird. The lyrics and music came to me like oxygen.
If I wait for cloudy skies
You don't know the rain from the tears in my eyes
You'll never know that I still love you so
Though the heartaches remain
I'll do my cryin in the rain
Rain drops fallin from heaven
Could never take away my misery
But since we're not together
I look for stormy weather
To hide these tears I hope you'll never see.
I looked up at the lads briefly to see Paul tapping his foot to the beat, Ringo nodding his head along, George with an adorable smile on his face and John...didn't even seem interested.
Some day when my cryin' done
I'm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sun
I may be a fool but till then, darling
You'll never see me complain
I'll do my cryin in the rain
I'll do my cryin in the rain
I'll do my cryin in the rain.
I finished to thunderous applause from my critics. Well three of them. John just still looked displeased at me.
"You have a lovely voice, Ashley." Paul complemented.
"Thank you." I blushed with pleasure.
"Yeah you play good too." George said. Another wonderful compliment.
"Watch out John, she could join the band with that talent." Ringo teased. John just got up and yanked the instrument from my hands.
"You're all making it sound like more than it is. She's good but not great." He said. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. That was a kick to the gut if I ever heard one. An optimist would say at least he said I was good but I looked at it as an insult. And frustration and anger started bubbling inside of me. I'd been so upset knowing mother and dad lied to me about him being my grandfather and how much I loved him as a person and musician only to travel back in time - which was scary on its own - to find out that your grandfather and favourite person on the planet in the history of music was a complete jerk!
"What is it with you? I've tried to be nothing but nice to you despite my circumstances and you keep on shutting me down! I don't know what I've done to hurt or upset you but please, for the love of God stop being such an ass!" I yelled at him finally losing all patience. I could feel a headache coming on. The room fell dead silent and I suddenly felt like bawling my eyes out. I couldn't meet John's gaze but I knew his dark coffee eyes were boring into my head.
"Maybe you and I should step out for a moment." Paul finally spoke gently. I felt my blue eyes well full of tears at his soft tone.
"Okay." I whispered before leaving the room without I second glance. I sort of didn't want Paul to follow me as I pushed the door open that led outside to the back of the building. I buried my face in my hands and just started to cry. I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I was surprised and a little bewildered to see Paul was hugging me. Seemed a little much since we'd just met, but it was somehow comforting.
"I'm sorry. I just lost my cool." I sniffed, stepping back.
"Don't you worry about it. He shouldn't have said what he did. You did a wonderful job." He comforted. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and he immediately offered me a handkerchief. What a gentleman. I took it and dried my eyes.
"Thanks. I'm sorry it's just...all this is a little much still." I said, gesturing to the buildings nearby. He nodded slowly.
"It must be. Well, I have to get back inside. You stay out here for as long as you feel you need to." He said softly. I just nodded and stared at the floor. With that, he went inside. I leaned against the stone wall and rested the back of my head against it.
"Just calm down." I thought to myself. I could hear mother's soothing voice in my ear. She said the same thing whenever I was upset. 'Think a happy thought. Something to make you smile and before you know it, your problem will get better.' I sniffed and finished drying my eyes.
"Pull yourself together. Everything will work out..." I thought.
"I hope." I was going to head back inside when suddenly the door opened again. Thinking it was Paul, I said
"I'm okay. I was just going to come back in." But it wasn't Paul. It was John. Backing up a little, I felt a little apprehensive. He looked at me and noticed I'd been crying.
"Ashley...its Come to my attention that I've been rather unkind to you." He said, a little distantly. I twisted the handkerchief Paul gave me in my hands.
"Did Paul tell you to say that?" I asked, looking at the ground.
"No. He's not my mother, Ashley. I upset you with what I said and I'm sorry. I should be more understanding due to your situation. You're right." He said, the sharpness coming out of his voice. Was this the same John who'd been nothing but mean to me since I'd arrived?
"Umm it's okay. I'm...sorry for what I said too. I'm normally not that curt." I said softly.
"Hey, I'm a big boy. I can take it. I guess I was just a little put off by you. I-I'm not used to girls being around all the time unless I'm know, with them." He said sheepishly. I reddened at that. TMI JOHNNY!!
"Um, well I can assure you that's not happening." I said stupidly. He just chuckled lightly.
"Anyway, maybe we could start over? I promise to be less of did you say it? An ass to you in the future." He said with a quirky little smile. I smiled too.
"Sure." I agreed, sticking my hand out for him to shake. He looked puzzled a moment but then shook my hand.
"Well alright then. Now how about you come on back inside?" He said, opening the door for me.
"Will do." I said, feeling much better. Maybe I was getting through his shell after all.

A/N- So Ashley and John finally had a small chat! Will it be enough to break through and get to know him better? Stay tuned :) I'd love to hear your thoughts. The song Ashley sings in the chapter is posted above for those who don't know it. ✌🏻️

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