Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N - Hey guys, here's the next bit for you. Who here saw or wants to see Eight Days a Week? I saw it last night and it is so freaking amazing I can't even begin to put it into words. Anyway, I won't spoil anything, so enjoy this chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ashley's POV

I was in stunned shock for a split second before my brain clued into what was actually happening. And then I literally did not care, I didn't care how wrong this probably was or that I wasn't even really thinking straight, all I knew was this was happening and I was letting it. After it happened, I was speechless.

"Well there's no going back now." I thought as my face felt flushed suddenly.

"I-I'm sorry... was that too sudden?" Paul was flustered as well. Didn't we make quite the pair?

"Um... no, no it was was ...nice." I stammered, nervously straightening my jacket. I was never like this when it was George. Oh my God... what was George going to think when he saw Paul and I parading around? He obviously knew that he had a crush on me from when the three of them were sort of ribbing me at the venue. But was he okay with the idea? I mean we did used to date...for however brief a time.

"Are you sure? You look a little lost... I tend to come on a little strong, I'm sorry." Poor Paul had been babbling on the whole time I was buried in my thoughts! I raised my hands to stop him from talking a mile a minute and let out a light laugh.

"Don't worry about it. We've made it clear how we feel, there's no harm in displaying it." I have no idea where the words came from, but they seemed to fit and do the trick to relax Paul.

"Oh okay, good... so do you want to go back to the hotel now?" He changed the subject. He was as awkward as I was with this whole thing.

"It's a mistake I'm telling you." A voice echoed in my head.

"Oh shut up and have fun." I thought in argument. I had to admit, it was nice to have somebody care about you like that. I know I enjoyed it with George, the special treatment and all. Part of me wished that had lasted... but in the end it wouldn't have worked anyway, just how me and Paul were never going to work long term.

"So what the hell am I even doing?" I thought as I agreed simply to return to the hotel and see what the story was over there with the other three.

"Why are you over thinking this? Just let it happen." I countered with myself. I couldn't make up my mind. For now, I was happy... I think.


Not much else happened after that, we were told our train was to leave within the hour and the band had an interview the minute they got off the train pretty much, so I was busy packing up my belongings for the trip. I stayed in my plain grey dress, as no one would be paying much attention to me anyway and I was ready long before the others were.

"Should I just stay here or go see if they need help?" I wondered to myself as I sat down on the chair near the door with my bag. I really didn't want to be around them at the moment because my mind was still processing what had happened with Paul.

"Does this mean we're a couple now? ...What is George going to think? ... Will Paul keep it private? Am I okay with this?" All those things were spinning through my head so bad I was getting a headache. Sighing, I took out my journal and pen and just started writing, maybe hoping I could get my thoughts out clearly.

February 12, 1964

The show last night was amazing as usual, it was a full house just like it always was, and I had a really good time. But something happened after that and I'm not overly sure how I feel about it. I dated George briefly when I first arrived here but that ended up not working out. Now, Paul declared his love for me just this morning. I planned on telling him straight out about everything, like Sienna, me, who I really am... everything. But instead, I told him I loved him in return. I don't want to upset him and just go to him now and say it isn't going to work out. I mean, he kissed me for God's sake! I really like Paul, I always have and this is something completely crazy and's even different from when George and I were a couple. This is Paul we're talking about. Sienna's grandfather, my hero, the man who I had just barely met before I was transported back to fifty years ago. I mean, of course this can't ever work long term and I hope he knows that. He must know I'm supposed to go back home at some point...I hope. I don't want to upset him and I really do love him but I'm not sure in the same way he does me...

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