Chap.1: How We Met

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Aahhh. What a lovely night. The shadows are cast onto earth by the moon's light, the breeze whispers mysterious things, and the utter darkness seems to be very alluring. The night is my favorite time. It's when lots of sins are committed as well as various crimes. Tonight would be one hell of a night and one that would be memorable as well. Oh forgive me. My name is Luna Black and I've been an orphan since age 5. I have long jet black hair that was very silky, pale smooth skin, and dull grey eyes. My usual attire consisted of black and sometimes a bit of red, blue or white. Being 16 and on your own isn't easy, but then again i've been doing it for 11 years now so i guess you could say i'm a real pro.

I was jumping from roof to roof trying to see who would be my next victim and by that i mean stealing their money while they don't notice. I decided on a couple of drunks thinking it would be real easy... Boy was i wrong. As soon as I got behind them i was hit in the head with a crowbar! I fell to the ground immediately as i held my head in pain.

"Heh heh. Thought you could steal from us did you now?" I looked at the voice and noticed a short, fat man in a long brown over coat. I glared at him as he laughed at me.

"I didn't wanna have to do that to ya, but if i didn't you might've run off before i got a chance to talk with ya" He smirked. "Put her in the car." The two drunks literally threw me in the back of a black car, but not before tying me up. I was getting a bit dizzy from the blow, but i sucked it up and kept myself awake. After an hour had pass we arrived to an abandoned warehouse. They brought me inside and sat me on a chair.

"I've heard a lot about ya. The news calls ya the 'The Silent Snatcher' and you evidently caught my interest. How would you like to work for the Mafia?"

"What makes you think i wanna work for you?" I scoffed. "I like keeping all my profits"

"I like the way you think, but i can make you a better offer. You work for me and i'll throw in your own crew, a place to stay, along with the Mafia's full protection guaranteed"

"Oh so just cuz i'm a woman i need protection?" I glared at him even more and he started to get a little bit too cocky.

"Well you sure as hell couldn't stop me from hitting you!" He laughed loudly and so did the others which pissed me off. I spat in his face which he didn't like so much.

"I tried being nice, but obviously it's no use. So my boys here will teach you a lesson you won't forget!" He turned his back to me as i was being beaten senseless. I took all the beatings despite how much i wanted to cry out and since i didn't seem to break, they decided to pull a gun on me.

"It was nice knowing ya kid" He cocked the gun and was about to pull the trigger when all of a sudden he was knocked out by a mysterious figure. They shot at the figure, but to no avail. He was still standing! The Mafia then panicked and in one blink of an eye they were all dead. The figure then walked over to me and revealed himself in the moon light. He had longish jet black hair, pale skin like mine but had these blood red eyes that made you wonder what they held. Blood was all over him and he smiled at me. To my surprise he had fangs! Real live fangs! I smirked at him as he stared at my beaten face. He slowly walked to me and untied me.

"Thanks" i said, but when i got up my legs gave out and i fell hard against the concrete. I cursed under my breath and didn't dare look at the man. All of a sudden i was being lifted up bridal style. I looked at his face one last time before blacking out.

It wasn't until hours later that i awoke on a king sized bed complete with black satin sheets.

'Where the fuck am i?!?' I tried getting up only to feel a surge of pain go through me. I had been bandaged up around my chest area as well as my head.

"You have a few broken ribs as well as some bruises. You had some internal bleeding, but that was fixed right away." I whipped my head around and noticed the man who had saved me. Ughh i was saved. How pathetic and weak of me.

"And exactly who the hell are you" i asked venomously.

"Forgive me. I'm Vladimir Shadows and you are?"

"Luna Black"

"Luna... What a lovely name and just how old are you"

"16. Why is my name and age so important to know"

"Is it so bad that i would like to get to know you?"

"Yea because once i'm better you'll never hear from me again." He laughed at me, but i wasn't laughing. I was being serious. I had no intention of staying or getting to know him at that. It was a waste of time that i did not have.

During my stay i was catered to and pampered by Vladimir himself yet not once did i leave the room. It made me wonder what was beyond that mysterious door. Curiosity got the better of me and i decided to get up and have a look myself. I slowly turned the knob and started to open the door when all of a sudden i was pinned to the floor by Vladimir. I mentally cursed myself because the way he had me pinned turned me on. I always did find aggression sexy, but never experienced it for myself. I guess you can say it was a fantasy of mine. He must've known because he smirked at me and started to nibble on my neck. Oh god it felt so good! He then threw me onto the bed and forced his lips onto mine. I instantly kissed back as i grabbed hold of his hair. As the aggression progressed our clothes came off and it became one steamy night. All the sexual tension i had in me was released. Unfortunately for Vladimir, I was fully healed so i snuck out from his balcony and ran home.... My lonely home.

A month has passed since I last saw Vladimir and i went on with life like i usually did. The house i lived in was a glass home that i built with the money i "acquired" and it resided deeply in the forest. Hardly anyone came around where i lived which was perfect since i was anti-social. Life was going great, but i couldn't help feeling so lonely most of the time. I was about to make dinner when all of a sudden i had this strange feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and puked my heart out. This is the first time I've done such a thing in a long time. I couldn't get away from the toilet for a few seconds because of this. I literally slept near the toilet that night and boy was it uncomfortable. I thought it was food poisoning at first, but as i kept on puking, I feared the worst. I then decided to head to the nearest store and look down the many aisles searching for the little box that would tell me my fate.

'Aha. Here it is' I put the pregnancy test in my basket and got a few other things that might help settle my stomach.

'Brisk or gatorade?' I pondered over which i should get, but I decided on both and payed for my things.

"I seriously need a car" I muttered walking back home. The walk was quiet just how i liked it and the breeze seemed to soothe me. Once i was home i went straight to the bathroom and did my business. After a few minutes my fear was confirmed. On that little stick held a pink plus sign indicating that i was indeed... Pregnant...

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