Chapter Twenty Four

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"Annabeth?" Percy's voice isn't a tone I've heard directed at me before. Silent, like the eye of a hurricane. Giving you a false pretense of safety before it explodes. "I just heard from Will, bitterly, that you're leaving tonight. I came looking for you and I overhear that you love me? That your leaving because of me? That I am A FATHER? I have a goddamn daughter that I know nothing about and you didn't bother telling me? And now your taking her away- taking yourself away..." His voice cracks, he takes a step towards the wall, then falls to the ground. After what feels like an eternity, he motions for me to sit down too. Tentatively, I sink in front of him.

"Why?" Percy asks and I cock my head to the side, not understanding the question. "When did you learn you were pregnant? Was I still around? How did it happen? Does Sally know she has a granddaughter? And oh! Why didn't you tell me!" He speaks fast and his words grow louder, then he takes a deep breath. "Most importantly... Why are you leaving me? Why are you taking yourself away? Annabeth. Please?" The heartbroken tone in his voice breaks my heart. Instead of running away like I might have, I retell the story. From the beginning.

'Beepbeepbeep. I take a shaky deep breath, and prepare my mind for something that will confirm my suspicions. Slowly, I reach onto the counter and look at the test- Two pink lines.

"Ohgods...ohgods. Piper? Piper!" I am nearly hyperventilating. This will change my future forever- for better or worse is unknown. It would've been for better if Percy were here.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright." Her voice is soothing and I almost think she snuck charmspeak in it. But she knows better.

"I know, but I just- what if we don't find Percy? Could I really do this without him?" I finally voice my fears to Piper.

"Of course you can do it without him. You have me, so you won't be completely alone. Look Annabeth, I haven't known you very long but I think we became good friends on the quest. What I know about you, so far, is that you are in no way reliant on a man. Even if you love him."

"I know."

"Do you really?" She is not questioning me, just curious if I know the truth.

"Yes. I do."

"Okay then. So if this is for real...Are you- what's your- are you okay?" Piper asks tentatively. The idea of a child reaches my mind.

"Yeah." My voice gets stronger. "I'm good. This will be... an adventure. And with Percy not here, I'll at least have his daughter-my daughter. Our Daughter."

"That was about a week after you disappeared. Piper had caught some of the signs when we were on the quest. After we freed Hera, the four of us ended up living with her dad in California. We figured things out together. Piper was there the whole time, and Leo and Jason were there when it wasn't to graphic. Nobody at camp knew where we actually were, they assumed we were looking for you. But the gods knew. Athena and Poseidon set aside there differences, both supporting us. I lived in Olympus with them after Charlotte came, with Piper. Her full name is Charlotte Silena Jackson Chase, on her birth certificate. When she was three months old, I finally sucked up my pride, taking her to Camp. No one judged. Everyone supported us. The Aphrodite cabin did more than that, asking me for all of the details, details I did not share. In the end, it gave me more pride about this wonderful, beautiful creation.

"Charlotte and I lived everywhere. We stayed with Sally and Paul a lot, and we spent some time on Olympus too. When Charlotte was an infant, we stayed in your cabin when we were at camp. Poseidon loved her, said we were welcome there and in his palace. He had me help redesign his palace and set a chamber aside for Charlotte and I.

"A few years ago, when Charlotte was about seven or eight, I took classes and got my college degree. Piper persuaded me. I loved going back to school, and continued taking as many classes in as many subjects as I could. After my bachelor degree, Charlotte and I moved back to the city. Living in the city exposed Charlotte to Broadway and music, taking her on the journey. She feel in love with music. When I got my master degree, Piper and I decided to start the business. Charlotte entered this preparatory school last year and immediately flourished. She decided to stay at the dorms there so she was completely surrounded by the music. She didn't surprise me with her acting skills, because she has always had your talent for being dramatic and lying. She did, however, surprise me when she came home at winter break and was able to sit down and play the carol of the bells from memory, while singing a separate thing from what she was playing. She learned different string songs from her roommate too. It's a year round school so she only gets a month off at summer. She started classes again, about a month ago. Originally, Poseidon offered to pay for it when he learned she wanted to go. At first, I think he was competing against my mom. Athena had paid for my college classes. But he actually wanted to help Charlotte with music.

"There's the truth. Some of it you already knew, but you know more details now." At this point, I stand up to take a break from talking, hoping Percy has heard enough.

"You never answered why your leaving." He tells me quietly. "Why are you leaving?" He overheard me talking to Charlotte, so he knows. I shake my head, and walk away. Once I'm outside of the curtains, I find Piper and take my seat.

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