-2- New Life

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They are now 17!! Hope chu all enjoy!!

"Jemenia!" Kera, Lacy's Mum shouts up the stairs.

"Yea Kera?" I shout.

"Your going to be late for school!! Hurry up!" She shouts to me as I fix hem of my skirt.

I look in the long length mirror at my outfit. I have a black skirt with a white cardigan, a clip on tie and a black jacket, and white sandals that I made sure covered it.

Every since then Lacy has made me into the perfect primp at school, which is exactly everyone expected me to be since I moved in with her. I don't care. I have grown out of my worn out jeans and my dirt caked sneakers.

I fix my strawberry blond curls, holding them back with a black thin headband. I fix the lace on my sandals to cover my birthmark, and walk downstairs holding my designer book bag.

I immediately smell vanilla as I get to the front lobby and my nose wrinkles at Kera's new signature sent.

"Nice perfume Kera." I compliment, as I grab two fiber-one bars. Lacy comes rushing down the stairs holding Mushu, our cat.

"Meorw." He says uncomfortably. I grin. He hates to be held, except when your trying to do your homework on the couch.

I take him from Lacy's hands and kiss his forehead, and hand him to Lacy. She does the same then hands him to the butler Jason. I mouth a thank you to him then walk out the front doors with Lacy.

"Have a good day at school girls!" Kera waves.

"Bye Kira!"

"Bye Mom!"

We get into the limo waiting at the front gates, then sit on the fluffy leather seats.

Kera took over Mum's business after the accident, since they were co-bosses. I never lived out of the soft culture of the Frank household since then, and I still thankful they took me in.

I toss Lacy a Fiber-One bar I had recently grabbed, and peeled back the wrapper to eat mine.

She looks at me and grins. "So how many seniors will ask this junior out to prom?" She gestures to herself.

I roll my eyes. "10 at least. Can't say the same for me."

"Stop that!" She scolds.

"What?" I question.

"Stop doubting yourself! Your so pretty! Guys just don't really go for the snappy ones."

I sigh and roll my eyes again. "That's supposed to make me feel better?"

"See? And yes, it was. Now eat your food, we are here." She says chomping the last bit of her bar.

The driver opens the door, and we get out and we throw away our wrappers.

We walk into the cafeteria to wait for the bell to ring, and we hear a familiar shriek.

We look at each other and roll our eyes, then turn to the voice.

"Girrls!" Kaitlin Kassidy says rolling the R in her fake Russian accent, and strutting up to us in her 'designer' heels.

Me and Lacy link arms and face her with fake smiles plastered on our faces.

"Hi Kaitlin." I say threw clenched teeth.

Kaitlin Kassidy has been trying to take over the school, and her slutty attire got her most of the boy's vote.

She was furious when Lacy got School Prez, and me Vice, and not her. She has made up for it making our lives miserable, yet still pretends we are the best of 'Friends.'

"Hey Lacy, Hey Jem." She fake kisses our cheeks and smiles. She looks as if her face would fall off any second.

"So how many boys do you think will ask you to prom?" Kaitlin wiggles her threaded eyebrows, and gives me a pointed look.

"Probably more than you." Lacy says grinning, yet I can tell she has a sinister smile under it. Lacy loves a challenge. I want to remind her that she already has a boyfriend, but I dare not test her.

"Want to make a bet?"

"Bring it on."

"Okay. But to even it out, I'll let you and Miss Priss combine your number of boy toys." Kaitlin beckons to me.

I'm about I protest but Lacy rolls her eyes. "Then I'll let you combine with Emily."

Emily follows Kaitlin around like a puppy dog. Even if we used to be friends in middle school, Emily is now a bitch, just like Kaitlin.

"Whatever." She smacks her gum, and sashays off, and the crowd that had formed slowly disperses.

Great, now the whole school will know that we are in a contest, and I don't have a date. Isn't this great.

Lacy turns to me. "I know, you hate me. And Tanner will hate me too. But come on, He's in Cali, and you don't have a date! You ne-"

"It's alright." I interrupt. "I know how much you hate her, no, how much we hate her."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She links arms with me again, and we head to 'hell' once the bell rings.

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