Chapter 5 - The Cullen Twins' Party

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The Cullens' First Weekend of School party was audible from miles off. Up the street paved with mansions and villas on each side, their huge gates were each two meters high. The Cullens' house however, rose above it, with the grandeur of its third floor towering over a pebbled white driveway. It was clattered with cars all the way out into the road.
We stepped out.

One side of manhood with is a definite positive, is not being looked down upon when not wearing heels to a party - both literally and in the figurative sense -especially when you are not the tallest of girl. I mean high heels are cool and all, but every year I bought a new pair just for this party, and every year I ruined them on the pebbled driveway.
For the first time I didn't have that problem. My Lacoste flats kind of took away all the pain and I was confident that by the end out the night I would not be blessing so hard that people wouldn't be sure whether it was really from the blisters or from somewhere else.
The perks of spontaneously mutating into a guy, I told myself with a smile as we neared the doorway.
The music was booming from inside and out.

On nights like this I wandered what good people the Cullen twins must have been in their past lives in order to deserve parents who spend more time lounging in the Caribbean than in their very home.

The doors opened inwards at the hand of a pair of porters in beige suits and we were introduced into a hallway draft of beat and glittering confetti. We were ushered forward by the people behind us.

The adorable life size disco ball had been hung again - or possibly not taken down since the last day of summer.
We proceeded through the hall way and from here on, everything was in fast motion. The couples making out on the sofas on the patio - the regulars; same people every year. I don't have a very positive opinion about public displays of affection - or whatever the hell PDA stands for.

The grand staircase was lined with a red carpet and it looked like the early comers had fun toilet-papering the chandelier. Roamer has it that the Cullen twins hire the party planner who planned Kylie Jenner's birthday. I think that's just a roamer. It's more likely that they have the same party planner that worked for the Great Gatsby - unless that guy is dead already, which he probably is.
We continued along the hall and then before us, stood the great living room - the heart and soul from which blasted all that music we heard outside.
"Alright brothers, divide and conquer." I hissed under my breath with a toxic smile. "These are the moments that define it all."
With a brief nod, the three of them parted ways, leaving me to go in search of the one person who was constantly on my mind.

I found her by the swimming pool. She sat alone with her jeans rolled up to her thigh as she dangled her legs above the water.
"Everyone else is inside." I said standing over her coolly with my hands in my pockets.
Candice Bryson jumped and the sudden sound of my voice and looked up.
"Sorry." I chuckled looking down at her. "What are you doing out here alone? All your friends are inside."
"This isn't my thing, you know, really." She shrugged, putting her cup down by the edge of the pool. "First of all, I didn't think I would be invited. But somehow I was but I came here for my friends so they can have a good time.""That's the charm of the Cullen brothers; everybody is always invited except -""Except the radical geeks; I know, I heard." She laughed. "I am a radical geek."I watched the rhythmical quivers of ripples on the surface of the water. They gleamed a deep blue in the light of the house."Well, you certainly don't look like one." "Well don't you judge a book by its cover." She opened up her handbag and slid out a hardcover which had been concealed by a silky scarf."Oh no - you did not!" I slapped myself on the forehead. "You brought a book to a party?""I told you; I came here for my friends." She put a finger on her lips as she slipped it back inside. "I think I deserve some entertainment in the pure form of a good hardcover."
I held my hand out, helping her up. "What's the story about?" Now her eyes were on my level and they gleamed eagerly as I looked into them.

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