cнαρтєя σηє ...

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R’s POV (Point of View)

So here I am. Finally alive. It feels good to be alive. To feel love. To feel pain. To feel any emotion whatsoever.  It’s so awesome being alive. Being dead stinks. You eat people. You have to. To live I guess. Cause that’s how corpses need to do for us to stay full or something. That was our only source of food. But now we don’t. All the corpses are alive and human. We feel great. Some are still recovering. A lot of us corpses that didn’t remember their names have given themselves new names. Some remembered their real names. But me? I tend to stay with the name ‘R’. It’s an easy way to write and spell it or if you have like a paperwork to write or a quiz or something. We re-built the city into whole again. The big wall between the humans and corpses is broken down. We live normally like any average human would live. Oh and the Boney’s, they’re all gone. We think. And we hope. Because if they’re back, we’ll all be dead and probably turn into corpses again and live a boring and dead life. Oh and the other corpses that was once singers are back to life. For instance, Michael Jackson and Madonna. Some of the singers are back to make us more alive with music. A lot of families are brought back together. It’s just cool. Living a happy ending. But I still don’t think it’s over though.

Let me just tell you the story before I became a corpse and before I met Julie and had this great life I’m living now. I finally remember some of my life stories. This is the story when the Apocalypse happened. Well before it happened and when it happened.

I was sixteen years old. I had three knucklehead best friends. Ty, Logan and Jack. At least that’s how I remember their names. I still don’t remember mine. It’s hard not remembering your name, especially when telling a back story like this one. Oh and I remember Marcus. He’s one of my best friends too back then.  Now I have four cheese-head best friends. Awesome, right? So like I said, I was sixteen and I was in school. Boring!

“And so class, that’s how the World War history started…” Blah blah blah. She’s totally boring. I like history, but it’s the teacher that I can’t stand. Her way of teaching is boring and tiring. Almost everyone is asleep. My eye lids are closing. My mind’s telling me to keep it open, but it just can’t! It’s hard and impossible. I gave up and closed my eye lids. The next thing I knew was that it was lunch time. Fast right? It’s a good thing though. Cause next class is GYM class. I don’t think I remember that I’m actually good at gym. I’ll try to remember, but right now let’s focus on me getting my lunch.

I got up from my chair, fixed my things and went off to the cafeteria. I’m so hungry. That’s a good thing right? I know it’s a good thing. I’m just wondering. (Chuckles) Anyways, I got a tray and tried to pick something to eat. The category is fried chicken, corndogs, and pizza. “Hmm… I think I’ll get the pizza” That’s how I remembered it. “Hey R! Come sit here with us!” the one that said that was, Jackson, Jack for short. He’s my best buddy. I know he’s been my best friend since the fourth grade.

I sat on the middle chair of the table. “So what’s up, dude?” the one that was saying that, I believe is Ty. He’s my other chum.  “Everything’s fine. I guess. What’s up with you? You look so happy” I replied. “Well, you know how I always fail at everything except sports?” he said. “Yeah” Jack and I replied. “Well, we had a pop quiz in English and I got a C-plus” he said excitedly. Our jaws dropped. Ty grabbed his pop quiz out of his bag and showed it to us. Our jaws still dropped. We ‘cannot’ believe our eyes. It was unbelievable. But hold up. I saw a mistake. “Uh… Ty?” I said. “Yeah? Sup R? You surprised?” he said while smiling like a complete idiot. “You know Ty Sanders?” I asked. “Yea- who?” he’s confused now. “Ty Sanders, a C-plus student. In English class.” I explained. “Where are you going with this R? Cause you lost me.” He said. “I mean, you didn’t get an C-plus. He did. The name written here is all blurry and wet. Mrs. Turner gave you the wrong paper” I paused. “She must’ve accidently switched both of your papers. So that means, Ty Sanders got the” Ty cut him off. “The F-minus”. Awkward silence was in our atmosphere at our table. We just ate and let the awkward silence do its stuff. I wonder where Logan is though.

The school bell rang. It’s gym class time. We all got up. Cleaned our table and went our separate ways because we have different classes. Well Logan and I have the same class which is a good thing. Oh maybe Logan will be there. Let’s see then.

 I walked up to my gym locker and changed into our gym clothes. We all lined up into a single file to shoot hoops. Or basketball shooting. I remember being good at basketball, my brother Travis and I always play basketball together whenever I get bored at doing nothing at home. I was next in line to shoot the ball into the hoop. The coach blew the whistle. Whenever he blows the whistle means that we have to shoot the ball and right after, play actual basketball. After everyone’s done we sat down on the floor, some of us just stood up. “Okay ladies. Prepare to play…” there was a little pause and silence in the gym. “Doge ball!” Right after he said that, our faces looked pale. A lot of us are not ready to be attacked by doge balls. And by attack by doge balls, I mean that the school bullies/athletes are going to play with us. I’m not saying that all athletes/jocks are bullies. I’m saying that some of them are rude. The gym coach called out the jocks. I feel like I’m shaking somehow. Wait, why am I afraid of some jocks back then when now I’m not even afraid of some pathetic Boney’s? Guess I’m a little weak back then. Cause It’s not possible that I’m strength-less at the age of sixteen. I know I’m the me now, in me back then somewhere. Guess we’ll have to find out soon.

… End of CHAPTER ONE …

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