Prologue: A Dash of Background

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My first day of sophomore year is today... it's been almost two whole years now since I first started questioning my sexuality...long since has that time period passed. Although I still have yet to make the same hold true to the days I worry about the confession of the truth. I still have yet to give anyone the satisfaction of completely knowing why I go to my school's gay-straight alliance even though I say I'm "straight." I get so nervous about telling even my most trusted friends that I end up fibbing and saying I'm just accepting of the group, never including the detail that I fall within the description of it. It's hard to be gay when you have such a rough school, and even more so when that fact causes you to keep it hidden even from the one other guy in the school who is gay, the only difference being that he's already told people, along with the fact that he has no apparent feelings for you, believing that he's not even visible to you. Yet another hassle of being the way I am; the more athletic you are, the more homophobic it would seem you're expected to be.

On the subject of Kyle, the other gay guy, I don't even know how to start describing him. He has wavy, golden hair, a smile that, as Taylor Swift words it, "can light up this whole town," and he's got that perfect build where he's not overly macho like the football jocks, but he isn't a stick, either. And that's only his physical traits. He's got a sense of humor like no other, although it rarely shows because of the homophobia. He's smart enough to maintain H's in 4 classes and A's in the other 3. And he's the nicest guy in the universe, holding the door for practically everyone in school, complimenting those who are nice enough to listen, and being grateful for what he has, even through all the hate.

I feel so torn this year between keeping up with cross country as their "star athlete" and finally coming out about how I really feel...


"Ugh, back to reality, Garrett: it's time to focus on today. The rest of the year can wait for a while." I muttered to myself as I meandered off to my 1st period. I've always thought little of science class ever since 5th grade. I assume this will be the same as ever. Yet somewhere in the back of my head I have this feeling it will change this year.

"Good morning children! I am Mrs. O'Coole, for those of you who don't already know me," Says the teacher as I walk in the door, now with a sudden feeling of joy on the inside. Mrs. O'Coole is my favorite teacher of all time, especially considering she is also the teacher who sponsors the GSA. I wasn't expecting to see her since she had taught a different class last year. But that isn't the only cause for celebration apparently; the one guy who could've made this class any better is sitting in the far corner, with one desk empty next to him.

Mrs. O'Coole had made a seating chart and to my (hidden) joy she had left Kyle and I right next to one another. When I sit down, however, the mood abandons me with much displeasure; Kyle gives me a scowl and turns away to look out the window. My stomach knots up and I begin to feel a tear forming in my eye. In an instant, however, it is gone with what the others would figure to be a simple scratch of my brow.

We sit for a second that seems to last an eternity. Then the tension is released with a perfectly timed, classic Mrs. O'Coole comment,

"So I know all of you youngsters are thinking to yourselves, 'what kind of nerdy lunatic is this woman, dressing in an atom covered turtleneck?' well you've got the 'lunatic part' right, rest assured!" some people snicker at this last comment. "As much as I'd like to have a ball and let you guys talk all day, I have to start the day with a boring lesson---- gotcha! You guys should see the looks on your faces! Anyways, it's only right for you guys to get to know one another instead of hearing me ramble! So for today, I want you to turn to the partner next to you that the arrows on your desks point to and take turns asking each other at least 5 questions about each other. Hop to it!" Mrs. O'Coole says with a grin on her face.

She may not have done it on purpose, but either way I find myself thanking her in my head; She had made me and Kyle partners. I come to a sudden decision with a stronger resolve than I expected: I have to care about more than the jerks on my cross country team. They would have to settle for Josh this year, because it's time I stop hiding. Now may not have be the moment to tell Kyle, but it is inevitably in the near future. I start the talk, since he seems completely oblivious to me at the moment.

"S-s-so..." I stutter, much to his amusement and my surprise, "If you had to pick out of filthy richness, unstoppable power, or the perfect romance, which would you choose?" I let the last one out with a little doubt in myself.

"I supposed we'd better get this over with... I'd go with the perfect romance, because it's obviously not a possibility in reality," he responds.

"What kind of attitude is that?!? I hardly see any reason why you should think that." I say, again speaking the last part with a little doubt as to whether I've gone too far too soon.

"Are you really this clueless?" he sighs, "I'm gay. It's not supposed to work out well for us. But what would you know? You're, well, straight." Wow. Talk about low self-esteem. I feel strained to keep myself from telling him how wrong he is and wrapping my arms around him. I still try to be comforting, but not to the point of affection (yet).

"That's really stereotypical. You assume a lot, just to let you know," I blurt out. His eyes went a little wide. Oops. It looks like I went too far.

"You don't mean...?" here it comes, I think to myself. He's going to take it wrong and think I'm teasing him.

"......... are you saying what I think you're saying? You think I appreciate obnoxious jokes like this?" he says in an aggravated tone. I decide to come clean to him, hoping he would believe and understand me.

"What, you think I'm in the GSA to stare at all the openly lesbian girls and make myself look like a total dick head?" I reply with a tinge of sarcasm. I continue, this time in a softer, gentler voice, "There's a reason I'm the only 'straight' guy in there. You have first lunch right? Talk to me and I'll explain then." He begins to comprehend that I'm uncomfortable talking in such close quarters about this. He nods, just in time for...


The bell rings, and Mrs. O'Coole leaves us with our assignment: finish any "interrogating" not already completed. We all leave with a small smile on most of our faces. The only exceptions to this majority are me and Kyle, as big as our grins are, although we don't tell a soul why.

The next three hours go by with little excitement. After what seems like forever the lunch bell rings, and I'm out of history in a flash, speeding down to the lunch hall as quickly as I can achieve without looking suspicious. Apparently Kyle had gotten the same rushed feeling. He's sitting alone at a table slightly farther off from all of the other ones when I get there.

Author's note: Hey this is my first story on here so please, try to understand that I'm not quite familiar with this program.... anyways, hope this works and everyone enjoys it! -James :)

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