Ch. 3: Meet the Folks

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I walk to his house without bothering to stop at mine first. It won't make much difference since my parents assume that I'm capable of fending for myself and that it doesn't matter where I am. I'm about to knock when the door swings open to Kyle's sweet face. It catches me off guard, and so does his next action; he leans over and kisses me on the cheek, and I must be red as a tomato, because I feel almost feverish and he's smiling at me like I've done something goofy.

Dinner is spaghetti, courtesy of Mrs. I. It tastes delectable, and I ponder asking if I can stay the night. The urge is just too strong.

"Mr. and Mrs. I, can I spend the night? I'd rather not be at home alone if I can be here with Kyle," I say, looking over at Kyle across the table to see a glint of what appears to be hopeful glee.

"Well as long as you two behave yourselves-"

"MOM!!!! Don't embarrass me! You know we're not going to go that far yet! I told you, we've only been dating for 3 days!" Kyle whines. Inside For a second I'm a little disappointed at hearing the comment, but then I realize how selfish I'm being and that he's right, and I let it go.

"As I was saying," she continues as though she didn't hear him "as long as it's okay with your parents... but what do you mean, 'home alone?'" She inquires, looking suddenly worried and sad.

"Well... My parents are total alcoholics and stuff... they're always out at parties and never really pay much attention to me. In other words, they often don't know about me going wherever pleases me, nor do they care. So I'd love to stay. I actually brought some pajamas in my backpack, just in case you let me. Thank you," I sigh in relief.

"Oh, that's horrible parenting on their part. You know we'll gladly have you here anytime! Now Kyle, get going on your homework! I know you have that poetry project that's due soon!" Mrs. I says. I perk up when I hear "poetry." My biggest joy (along with Kyle and music) is poetry; I live for writing poems.

So off we go to Kyle's room to work on poetry together and it ends up a blast. We find that we both like animals for a theme, and crank out the whole essay and free write poem that isn't due until a whole week from today. Boy do I love showing off when it's to someone in a higher English class than me. He's in AP English III, so it's surprising to see that he tended to dislike poetry. Either way, I help him out and enjoy every moment of it. That's all that matters, because he is mine and I am his. I don't know whether I should say that in the confines of his house yet though... I figure it's worth a go. I speak.

"You know, every minute I'm with you, it's like I'm in heaven. Have I told you that?" I whisper in his ear.

"I do believe you have, my love," he says out loud as he turns to face me. He then catches me off guard again with a quick kiss on the lips. I don't think I'll ever get used to the rush that comes with those, I'm glad to say. The rest of the night goes just as well and I finally know what it feels like to be part of a family.

Yet, as they say, all good things must come to an end. I wake up in Kyle's arms, warm and content. He's still asleep, so I slip off to take a shower, seeing as it's a school day. The warmth of the water washing over me is pleasant, but it doesn't compare at all to the feeling I had when I woke up in Kyle's embrace. Then again, I don't think anything could compare to waking up with him... Anyways, seeing as I'm nice and clean, I get out and dressed, looking over my shoulder to make sure Kyle isn't awake while I'm changing. I may be his boyfriend but I'm ready for that much just yet. I need to take it slow with this...

The breakfast Mrs. I. makes is just as good as last night's dinner. It's a full meal of pancakes and eggs, more than I've ever eaten in the breakfast hours of any given morning at my house. She even packs a lunch for me consisting of a PB&J, chips, a cookie, and carrots (such a mother thing, vegetables). Then it's off to school. I hope today is as good as yesterday.

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