The BreakUp ..

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I had known Christian for 8 years , we went to school together in 1st grade . Over the summer, we started talking again. He would tell me how he still loves me , and how he never got over me . I believed it all . After about a month of all of the 'I still love you' stuff , we started dating . For the first two months before school started , we didn't see each other in person. We would sen pictures and chat , but that was it .

All seemed pretty good , right? We started school and we were both happy together . I met a new friend , Mia , and we became really close . We would tell each other everything . I don't think she liked the fact that I was dating Christian . I think she knew what was gonna happen . A few days before our 3 month , my mom took me and Christian to the movies . We saw Possessed . It was great . Me and Christian had our first kiss and we were so happy .

That following week , I started noticing him drifting further away . We didn't talk much , he would ignore me , and I noticed him starting to flirt with another girl , Alana . She was prettier than me and more popular .he would hug her in front of me . But the one thing that hurt the most was the way he would look at her . The look in his eyes when he looked at her , I could just tell , he wanted to be with her .

That night when I got home , I cried , for hours . I felt empty . I needed to feel something . So I decided to let out the pain in a way that most people think of as a joke . Cutting . It was only a few small cuts at first . but then we got into a fight . A bad one . I cut my wrists so deep , I thought I was going to die . The scars are still there , healed , but still sit there as a constant reminder of the pain i felt .


( A/N ) . This was kind of a long chapter . Oh well .. I feel like this is no good &' no one is reading it ... :/ . So maybe ill just stop ???

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