Chap.4) D . . . and S

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Derrick ran to the large group of zombie and opened fire on them, not caring if he got bit by his stupid actions. Derrick wasn't one to care, he look life as a game and him the game maker.

The gun he swiped from the army kicked hard but he was liking the sence to much to care about possible damage.

The night was fadeing fast and daylight was soon aproching, Derrick slept days and had fun at night - this was a dream come true, living life and killing zombies along the way - nothing better.

The gun stoped fireing - no more amo, Derrick refused to check how much amo he had on him, with him, or by him - it made it all less-fun, he liked barely getting out of a zombie-crownd, he liked running as fast as he could to get away, he liked getting trapped and thinking up ways to get away - most of all he LOVED killing zombies.

Derrick ran with his gun, he was wearing all black, his brown hair got in his blue eyes but he just shook his head. Derrick was twenty-two.

Derrick heard a gasp and stoped running, he caught sight of a boy in a tree.

"What'ch doing up there?" He asked, looking at the boy as if he was stupid.

"Hiding from the zombies." Seth answered looking Derrick over.

"Well, come on little dude, we gotta run." Derrick said.

Seth got down - agaist better jugement and ran off in the moring daylight with Derrick.

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