Chapter nine.

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Sarah's point of view.

I was on my way to Jully's party. I had to walk there, of course. So my feet were hurting. By this point, I was dying to sit down and rest.
It's 12:07am, I'm a little late. But I'll be there in about six minutes. And besides, I'm walking. Can you blame me for not being there on time?
As I was walking, I heard music behind me. I turned around to see where it was coming from. I saw a black truck with what looked like four drunk teenagers sitting in the back of it. I looked closer and recognized one of the boys. Trevor. What was he doing with them? And being drunk? I don't think so. "Trevor!" I called out as the truck pasted me. I saw him turn around, he couldn't say anything that I'd be able to hear because the truck kept moving, but he waved.
I wonder what he was doing drunk in the back of a truck. I barely know him, but I know it's not like him to get drunk. Once the truck was out of my eyesight, I started humming a song. "I thought I had myself all figured out, but I spent my whole life holding myself down.
And it seems to be that sort of thing I keep doing constantly.
Addicted to the pain I cause myself.
My head is floating somewhere in the clouds, while I'm paid to entertain a lovely crowd.
They sing my songs and feel my pain, cause pain is what creates my fame.
A vicious cycle some day I'll get out.
I can't believe I'm standing here at all.
I can't believe I made it this far.
On my way with a smile on my face.
See the top and I'm not falling off.
And all I need is a microphone, I'll sing.
About the things that have been hurting me.
It's safe to say, all the kids, I relate to their lives so just keep holding on.
It's hard enough try walking in my shoes,
To be picked on by my peers who much abuse.
And I'm tired of not fitting in, true friends is my final wish.
I believe I'm just like you.
I believe I'll make it through.
It's hard to see at times like this.
But I'm not giving in, but I'm not givi-" A voice interrupted my singing, by saying "What the hell are you singing?" I jump, startled.  Then I turn around. Marisa. The brat that I hate, and she hats me too. "Keep holding on by Falling in Reverse. Speaking of falling, let's see how long it will take you to fall when I slap the living daylight out of you." I say, stepping close to her. "I'd like to see a petty girl like you, who has to listing to music to make her feel better, try to knock me down." She says with a smirk. "Oh, you'd like to see it? Then your wish has been granted." I say. I was standing in the road, she was on the grass. Right beside a mud puddle. Perfect. "Try me sist- No!" I pushed her in the mud puddle while she was speaking. I laugh and start running to the party with a smile on my face. That was awesome. I finally reach the party, exhausted. Someone welcomes me and I walk into Julys house. I immediately smell alcohol.
Time to feel wasted. I look around to see everyone wearing slutty clothing. Sluts. I wonder if Trevor's here. I look around and see Trevor talking to some girls. I better go over there. I walk over to Trevor and say "Hey." He looks at me and realizes who I was. He put his drink down on the table beside him and grabbed my wrist, dragging me away from all of the people. "What are you doing here?" He ask. Flying with unicorns. "Getting wasted like you." I say.  He grunts and whispers, "I'm not really drunk, nor have I been drinking." Then you are one amazing actor. "Oh. So you're just here for attention. Got it." I say. Then he says,
"I'm here because I was invited, now I'm here to watch you." You don't need to watch me. If anything, you need to watch yourself.
"I'm not two years old. You don't have to watch me. Now bye." I say, rolling my eyes and walking away. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back over to where we were. "'re acting like you're mad at me. What's wrong?" Nothing. "Nothing." I say, "Why would I be mad at you?" He let's go of my wrist and says “That’s what I want to know.” I roll my eyes and walk away. I'm not mad at him. But I am annoyed that he basically lied to me. He’s defiantly been drinking, it’s pretty obvious. “Sarah, come on. What’s wrong?” Trevor walked back up to me and ask. “Leave me alone! I just wanted to go to a damn party. I don't need you following me everywhere.” I practically yell. “Jesus Christ, we’re at a party‚ you know.” He says. I look around, nobody is staring at us. So I say‚ “Nobody heard me anyway.” And walked away. I walk over to the drinks and grab a cup, drinking it down in a hurry. “Hey Sarah!” I hear Jully yell. I didn't bother saying hey back, especially considering the fact that I would have to yell. I decided to go outside to smoke a cigarette. There was a little bench, so I sat on it."Oh, hey. Sarah it is, right?” I recognize that voice. I turn my head and see someone I didn't want to see. The guy that possibly raped me. “What are you doing here? This is a teenage party. And I know you were not invited.” I ask. “Hah, I knew I'd find some pretty girls if I came. And sure enough, I did.” He replies. “You’re disgusting.” I say, throwing my cigarette to he ground and standing up. I turn to walk away, but he grabs my wrist. “No, I'm Adam.” He says. “Let go of me.” I say in a mad tone. “But darling, don't you like my touch.” I give him a disgusted look and say “God, no.” He pulls me closer to him then turns us around. He then grabs my other wrist and pins me to the side of the house by holding my hands above my head. He stands on my feet lightly to keep me from kicking him. “Are you sure about that?” He questions with a smirk. “Positive.” I say. His smirk disappears and I see him staring at my lips. Oh God. Please don't kiss me. I see him leaning closer, and I turn my head. Adam then let's go of my wrist, steps off of my feet, and grabs me by the waist. I let out a low scream. He hovers me over his back, and holds me with one arm. He used his other arm to cover my mouth with. I try screaming. I fail. So I lick his hand. That does nothing. “Let go of her!” Trevor? I feel Adam start to run, and I start squirming again. I hear a door open and feel Adam stop. Then I'm thrown into the back of a car. I see the lid of the car close, and I start feeling extremely claustrophobic. I hear mumbles outside of the car. Then I head a door open and close. I hear another door open and close. The car then turns on. And I feel it moving. I close my eyes. Maybe sleeping will help me calm down. That is, if I can sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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