Annual Fleshie Party

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He was standing on the corner, laughing and having a grand old time with a couple of his close friends. It was pretty late out and they didn't seem the least bit buzzed. I would assume men with their level of attraction would have girls locked to their arms by now, but they didn't. The one man with the blonde hair stood out to me in particular. I couldn't take my eyes off him as soon as I saw him. I knew he was the one for me. He was perfect.

With my striking walk I've practiced a million times before, I brushed into his arm 'accidentally'. He turned towards me and I flipped around, making sure my brown curls swished into his shoulder. I fluttered my eyelashes and plastered on the flirty smile I've grown accustomed to. "Sorry," I purred out like satin. "I didn't mean to knock into you."

All laughter and smiles disappeared. The blonde boy, along with his three friends, had eyes glued to me. Attention was something I never liked, but I got it all the time. I forced myself to live with it. The blonde wasn't sure what to do for a split second before he grinned. "Nah, it's alright. Really. I – uh – I should've seen such a pretty lady like yourself coming this way."

Hook, line, and sinker. "Well, I should've paid more attention to where I was walking. I could've hurt such a sexy man like you."

His friends slowly started to drift off so we could have a private chat. The blonde shot his friends a thank you face, then lowered his eyes towards me. "What's your name?"

"Melissa," I answered, "and I know a great place to get to know each other."

His eyes lit up like fireworks. "Oh really? Where would that be?"

"Follow me."

I whirled around, not wasting any time. I couldn't wait any longer. I needed this man and I needed him now. He was hot on my heels, trailing after me on the narrow sidewalks. It was dimly lit and nobody would suspect a thing. I took a sharp right into the small, dark area behind the pub we were just at. It smelled of dead fish and the ground was slightly watery, but I didn't think the blonde would really care.

"I'm Melissa," I repeated to the blonde. "I like the color green, love the smell of bakeries, and I liked to play hopscotch when I was a little girl. Great, now that we know a little more about each other, I can do this," and with no hesitation, I grabbed the blonde by his hair and forced him onto my mouth.

He didn't protest at all. In fact, he encouraged it. He grabbed my jean-covered legs and threw them around his waist, slamming my back onto the wall of the pub. He attempted to shove his tongue in my mouth and I let out a small moan. I could feel him growing excited and I slowly dragged my lips over his neck hungrily.

He dropped my legs for a second to undo the buckle on his pants. I could feel my mouth aching for more. He looked up at me sexily through his piercing blue eyes and opened his mouth to tell me something.

Unfortunately, he never had the chance to tell me because something grabbed him from behind, lurched him across the alleyway, and snapped his neck with a loud crunch.

Anger rushed through my veins as I saw his lifeless body fall to the ground. Even more anger pulsed to my head as I saw who was behind it.

"Milo," I seethed at him. He was lurking in the shadows, right where my new problem was. "What the fuck? I haven't ate anything all fucking day."

"Oh, I'm sorry," He falsely apologized, flashing up right next to me, "was that your dinner?"

His green eyes were so dark that I could see my reflection in them. "Don't you have something better to do with your pathetic little life than to take away my meals?"

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