Tips and Lips

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just a lil something that i came up with three weeks ago that i forgot to post. XD

My alarm clock goes off. I groan a bit and slam it off, reluctantly sliding out of bed. Here goes another day of hell. Hey, at least there’s a good thing about this day. It’s the last day of hell. Then I’m off to college in New York. My eyes, on reflex, flicker over to my open window.

Lipe stares right back blankly. I blink at him, not entirely sure what to do. Usually, he’s not there when I look over. Only one in a blue moon will he ever be staring back at me. We stare at each other for a good minute before he breaks eye contact and shuffles into the bathroom. Sighing, I copy his movements.

Because today is the last day of high school, teachers are barely going to give a shit and let us do whatever the hell we want. I shove on some jeans and a tank top, leaving my brown messy hair down. I quickly grab my keys and bag, heading out to my car. Well, today is my lucky day because Lipe decides to come out the same time I do.

He lives in the house right next to mine. That’s how we met, actually. My mom and his became friends instantly, only to lead to Lipe and I. We met when we were six years old. Not very realistic to say, but we were the best of friends.

Up until the very first year of high school, that is.

I remember the day perfectly. I had my best outfit on and my hair curled. I was young and didn’t know much. All morning we were praying to have at least one class together. The school is big. Turns out, we didn’t even have the same lunch. We were both devastated. I wanted to run home and cry. Lipe and I have always been joined at the hip. He even tried to switch classes but he had no reason to, so they wouldn’t let him.

After that, everything went downhill. We grew apart quickly because we didn’t see each other too often. We barely had time to stop and say hello to each other during passing periods. Lipe was always good with people. Me, on the other hand, not so much. He fell into the popular category while I was mostly art. My curly hair was back to it’s original, pin straight shape and my girly dresses were replaced with jeans.

I guess I was trying to impress Lipe.

I guess it didn’t work.

Yeah, I did-still do-have a crush on him. We don’t talk now, at all. All we do is give each other blank stares and then look away. I park my car, the one my mother got me. It’s really crappy, with windows broken and not much gas in the tank. As long as it gets me where I gotta go then I’m fine with it. Of course, Lipe’s car is a much more fancy sport car to go with his sporty look.

As I’m walking in, there’s a huge sign, thanks to student council that says, ‘good luck, seniors!’ I’m going to need every inch of that good luck. I pass lots of kids scribbling in yearbooks. My eyes meet the end of the hallway, where Lipe stands with his jock type friends. They’re all passing around yearbooks, laughing like they’re having a good time. Lipe, as if he knows I’m watching him, looks up. Everything slows down as he stares at me plainly once again. The people behind him are still sharing the books, totally oblivious that Lipe is zoned out.

I break contact first, hurrying into my first class. I sit down in my desk chair. A few minutes later, Lipe sits down in the seat next to me. Damn assigned seats. After the teacher gets over telling us about college, she lets us do what we want. Everybody gets out of their seats and joins into groups. Lipe usually goes in the back corner with two other husky guys, but instead, he stays right next to me. He keeps sending me glances, as if he wants to tell me something.

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