chapter one

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I can hear my vans slapping the ground as I pick up my speed. My heart begins to beat faster. I look over my shoulder at my friend, Molly, right behind me.

“Ally, wait!” she pants. I slow down my run to a stop and stand there until she passes. I run to catch up to her at the corner.

“One more block.” I say catching my breath.

“Remind me to bring some water next time.”

“Remind me to wear running shoes next time” I all but growl. We had decided to take a walk down the street, and ended up walking a little too far. We twisted and turned and eventually got ourselves lost. Once we found our way back we realized we had been gone for over an hour. So naturally molly and I decided to make it a contest. Molly and I were constantly having contests and making bets, and I was not going to lose this one. I bend down to take my vans off and begin running again. The house finally came in view. I sprinted up the steps. Molly and I burst in to the house and drop down by the refrigerator. I grab two waters and tossed one to her.

“I totally won.” I said in between gulps of water.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” She smiled and took a sip of her water.

“What took y'all so long? Last time i checked a walk around the block didnt take an hour.” I look up to see Chris standing in the door way staring down at the two of us. Chris was one of our roommates. Molly had met him in her English class last semester and we all decided to pitch in and rent a house together this summer. “You know what, don’t answer that just go take a shower. You guys reek.”  I took the last sip of my water and launched the bottle at his head. He casually  dodged it and put his hands up defensively.

“I call the shower first.” I sighed as i pushed myself off the tiled floor. Molly gives me a thumbs up as she takes another sip of her water. I jog down the hall way into my room and pick up some jean shorts and a plain tank top.

“Hey Ally me and Chris are meeting Danny for lunch. Want us to bring you anything back?” Danny was also one of our roommates, but he was always out of the house so we never really saw him. I opened the door to see molly standing there. I shook my head. “No, I’m good. I have to go out later. I’ll just grab something on the way out.” She flashes me the ok symbol. "Tone down the perfume. You smell worse than you did before." I say nearly choking on the smell. She flips me off as she walks away. I make my way to the bathroom. I turn the water on and step in.

I was stepping out of  the shower when I heard the front door swing open. “Molly is that you?” I turn off the water and dry off. “Chris?” I yelled. I pull on my shorts and tank top and pat my hair dry with the towel. I slowly open the bathroom door and walk into the living room. I see the front door wide open and glass broken around the doorknob. My heart starts beating as I try to walk towards the back of the house. I pat my pocket searching for my phone. “Crap” I whisper to myself. I must have left it in the bathroom. My heart feels like its in my throat. "Maybe molly forgot her keys." I say to my self as I make my way over to the land line. I pick it up and begin to dial 911. I hear the ringing on the other end. A small wave of relief rushes over me. 

“Not so fast darling.” I hear a cold voice behind me. A strong hand grabs my wrist and yanks me back causing me to drop the phone. My back hits a hard chest.

"Hello... Hello" A voice on the other end of the line says.

All of my hopes that someone on the other end could hear me went away when I heard the phone disconnect. The man must have hung up on them. I feel a cold knife hit my throat. His grip was getting stronger. 

“Please” I whine.

“Shut up!” he snapped. “Don’t scream and I’ll try to not to kill you.” My hands began to tremble and I felt a tear run down my face. “It would be a shame to slit your pretty little neck.” I gulped trying to relax to keep the pressure of the knife off my neck.  “Good girl” he cooed. He moved his hand from my wrist and ran it up my thigh. I smacked his hand away. "Don't be like that baby." His hot breath hit my neck and I squeezed my eyes shut, letting a tear fall. "Don't cry." He took his hand and ran it down my jaw line. I turned my head away. "Not cooperative i see." He let out a small chuckle and placed something against my nose. The smell of chloroform filled my senses. A small cough escaped my mouth. I felt the man chest vibrate as he laughed. He removed the knife from my neck, but pressed the cloth harder against my nose.

My head began to spin and my legs gave out beneath me. Then everything went black.

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