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°Bianca Alice Parker

"You're late" My mom spoke as I walked through the door.

She was working on a dress and there was a stunning blonde in the corner wearing one of my mothers designs.

"Who's she?" I asked pointing to the girl.

"Autuom Wolf" The girl spoke with an attitude.

"Autuom this is my daughter Bianca" My mom introduced me.

"Hi" I said politely."Mom, I'm going to take a shower" I spoke as I began jogging up the stairs.

When I reached my room I found some Chanel shopping bags on my bed.

I ran through all the expensive shoes and dresses and thought about all the events that I'm never wearing these to.

I hated how my mom always bought all these overpriced clothing that I'm never wearing outside my bedroom.

"Those are nice" I turned to see Autuom in my doorway.

"Yeah" I said runinng my hands through my hair."They are."

She welcomed herself imto my room and went through the clothes.

"These are some really pricey clothes, why aren't you wearing them" She asked

"I'm not really into expensive clothing" I've never been one to like expensive clothing, really I'm happy with a basic Tee and jeans.

"Well, you should be" She told me before my mother called her into her design room.

I began undressing myself and I started the shower.

I know I've only had one day of detention but I already hate it. Especially with Nate being there bothering me to death.

I washed my hair with my peppermint co-wash and got out.

My bathroom was huge, as was my room but I didn't see the point of all this space that I didn't need but my mother says 'the bigger the better'.

I blow dried my hair and put on some gray sweat pants and a black V-neck.

"Mom" I called as I walked down the stairs.

"Yes?" She asked. As she came into view I saw her sitting on the couch with her hair in a bun, glasses and wearing a robe as she read a book.

To say my mother was beautiful would be an understatement. She had sparkling blue eyes, short brown hair and these beautiful features that any woman would kill to have. She was a young woman, but at the age of 36 she was one if the most famous fashion designers. Also , she's a self centered, bitch.

"Where's dad?" I asked walking into the kitchen, I heard her sigh before speaking.

"New York" She said walking into the kitchen.

"When is he coming back?" I asked, pouring a glass of orange juice.

"I forgot, but its somewhere around next month." My dad was a lawyer but he travels for his work and he leaves for a long ass time.

"Okay" I said taking a sip from my drink.

"In the mean time I want you to stay with your Aunt Aris" My eyes shot up at the mentioning of my aunt Aris, my mother and Aris hated each other for no apparent reason.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I need to work stuff out and the last thing I need is for you to bother me twenty four seven." It may seem like she's mad at me but the truth is she's mad that I have to stay with Aris.

Aris is the reason Kaitlyn left.

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