Your Ego; Narrator POV

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Grass blows gently in the wind as clouds pass. A dark figure stands out amongst the swaying green of the grass and the pale greys of the stones arranged around it. Tears slip silently down the figures cheeks and land with soft plips onto the stone below it.

"You're such an idiot..." The figure whispers to the stone. "You of all people should know that dying isn't cool..." A soft cry comes from the girl as she collapses to her knees in front of the stone. She looks up, letting her soft, blonde hair fall to the sides of her face. Anguish and sorrow fill her once bright eyes. "How could you?" She screams at the stone. "Why do you think you can just die like this?!" She screams as she leans onto her hands, clenching the grass for dear life. Tears smug the smooth surface of the headstone.

Through the blur of her tears she reads the words etched into the stone for the thousandth time.

Soul 'Eater' Evans

June 1, 1996 - December 15, 2015

"Idiot!" She yells, angry tears flying as she shakes her head violently. "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Soul you stupid idiot! You should have let me die..." Her body slouches back as though all her energy had been drained. "I can't... I can't..." Her voice trembles and her hands shake. "I can't do this without you..."


"That is so not cool, Maka." The girl tilted her head high and 'hmphed' at the boy. He flashed her a shark toothed grin as a smile spread across her lips. "Nothing's cool to you anymore, Soul." She laughed. Soul quirked an eyebrow and scooted closer to his meister. "I'm pretty damn cool," He said leaning forward. "But you know what's even cooler?" A light blush covered the young girls face as she realized how close he was getting. "Your so much cooler than i'll ever be." He whispered in her ear. Now her face was deep red and there was nothing she could do to hide it.

"But," He said, smirking as he leaned back on the couch they shared. "I'm still pretty damn cool."

"You and your ego..."


"Y-You and your big head..." The girl whispers to the stone, her eyes glassy and unblinking.


The only sound in the room was the light scratching of pencils as the students took a test. Soul glanced around nervously until his eyes met the back of a blonde girl's head. "Psst!" He whispered to her. "Hey Maka!" The girl turned around, looking very annoyed. "What did you get for number 1?" For a second the girl looks like she might punch him. "How are you still on number 1?! We've been in here for an hour Soul! What have you been doing?!" The boy blushed, he had been watching her the whole time. It definitely hadn't felt like an hour.

 "Th-That's not important!" He whispered back. "Are you going to help me out or not?" The girl huffed and turned abruptly back to her paper. "Maka!" He moaned. "Pleeease!" Maka shook her head and glared at the boy. "You should have studied, idiot." Soul grunted and laid back in his chair, arms resting behind his head. "I'm to cool to study..." He muttered.

The blonde simply shook her head and she circled another answer. "You and your ego..."


The girl wiped her eyes with the cloth of her elegant black dress. "You and your childish behavior..."


"Dance with me Soul!" Maka giggled. She grabbed the boys suit and began to drag him to the dance floor. Soul grumbled and stopped, digging his heels into the ground. "Dancing isn't cool." He mumbled. Maka frowned and tilted her head. "Dancing is to cool. Please Soul? Just one dance!" The boy began to blush at the thought of dancing in front of everyone. Especially Maka. "Please!" The girl continued to plead with him.

Finally, he gave in. "Fine." He sighed. "But only one dance." Maka smiled and led him to the dance floor, taking his hand in hers as she rested her free hand on his back. Soul began to blush as he slid his hand around her waist, but he smirked nonetheless. "S-Sorry..." He muttered as he accidently stepped on her foot. He was a great dancer, but when we was dancing with Maka... everything was different. His steps were off and he became flustered every time he spun her.

Maka giggled at his awkwardness. "Having some trouble, Soul?" Soul glared at the girl and huffed. "Shut up," He grumbled. "I'm an amazing dancer..."

Maka sighed and laid her head on Souls shoulder as she whispered. "You and your ego..."


Despite her obvious sorrow, the girl chuckled as she pulled her knees to her chest. "You and your awkwardness..."


"Nooo!" Maka screamed. "Soul! Nooo! Please!" Blood covered the once white floors. Tears flowed out of her eyes as she held Soul in her arms. His face was contorted in pain as he groaned and tried to sit up. "S-Soul... You..." Maka hugged him tighter against herself. "Are totally cool?" He muttered, trying his best to flash a smile. "You idiot!" She cried into his bloody shirt. "Why? Why would you do that?" She whispered. Her voice was cracked and broken, and when she looked Soul in the eyes, he could see the pain and sadness that filled them. "Because i'm..." He grunted and grimaced before finishing. "I'm just cool like that." He gave a halfhearted chuckle. "I thought you knew that already..."

"I..." Maka gripped him desperately. "I'm so sorry!" She balled as she felt his soul flickering. "P-Please don't leave me..." Soul gripped her chin and raised it so he could meet her teary eyes. "Don't cry Maka..." He smirked at her. "It's not cool... to... to...cry." She squeezed her eyes shut and let the tears fall and mingle with the blood that was drowning them both. "Please, Soul..."

"It's ok, Maka." His eyes fluttered and Maka felt his soul begin to slip away. "A cool guy... like me... would die... before letting anyone... hurt his girl..." Maka tried to laugh, but it turned into an anguished sob. "Y-You ... and your b-big.. ego."


By now, the girl was gasping for breaths between her sobs. "Soul," She whispers to no one. Slowly, she stands, wiping her face with the backs of her hands. She stares at the stone, smiling sadly as fresh tears threaten to spill.

"You and your big ego..."

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