Heart Smith; Narrator POV

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Before anyone accuses me, yes I took this story from a web comic. I loved it so much I wanted to write a fanfiction based on the same story. I cannot remember the name of the artist or author, but I give full credit for the concept to them.

Also, I don't have a song for this one either, a suggestion would be nice, thanks :3


Narrator POV

It's very busy today, the run down streets of the market place. People move quickly down the street, completely ignoring the small girl in between the stalls, holding a basket of beautiful, glowing hearts. You look down at the heart in your hand, a soft smile adorning your features as your eyes fill with longing tears.

You didn't have a heart of your own, much to your dismay. Your heart had long since broken beyond repair. It was pure torture, to go about selling such beautiful hearts, knowing you could never have one of your own. Your heart was unique, one of a kind. It broke you a little more inside, knowing none of the hearts you came across could fill the empty spot in your chest.

"Would you like to buy a heart, Sir?" You ask, holding out the fragile object for the man to see. The man paused, smiling at you as he leaned closer. "I'm sorry," He says, eyes sullen. "But I already have a heart. Do you fix broken hearts, too?"

Your face falls slightly. Slowly, you give the man a small smile, pointing down the street. "No, Sir," You say, "But just down the street there, there's the Heart Smith. He can fix your broken heart." The man smiles at you thankfully, nodding as he walks off in that direction.

As you watch him go, you close your eyes, a sad smile creeping across your face.

"Be careful, Heart Smith." You whisper. "You can't fix everyone."

-=(At The Heart Smiths)=-

It is beautiful, the heart above the small flame. It glows with newfound radiance as a young man leans over it, gently working. His crimson eyes narrow, focusing on the fragile object before him.

When the door swings open, he doesn't' that turn around. "A customer." He states simply, turning when he finishes piecing the heart together. "Excuse me," says the man, taking a step further into the albino boys shop. "Welcome," says the white haired boy, flashing a lazy sharp toothed grin. "What can I do for you?"

"The girl in the street told me you can repair hearts." He says, hope shining in his eyes. Soul pauses for a moment, before chuckling and scratching his head. "That's what I do." He, of course, knew what girl the man spoke of. The girl who sold hearts just down the road from his little shop.

Though the two didn't converse much, he actually knew the girl better than one would imagine. He saw her everyday, the way she handled the hearts with such care, scared to break them, it made him smile softly. He knew she didn't have a heart of her own, he saw the tears in her eyes as she handed the hearts away, longing to be handed one herself.

Shaking his head slightly, Soul looks up to the man. "So what's up?" The man gave him a small, sad smile. He reached into his chest, pulling out his heart, nearly ripped in two. Soul raises an eyebrow, staring at the heart. "That's pretty bad." He says, frowning slightly.

The mans face falls, eyes averting to the side as his hands lower. "So you can't fix it?" The albino simply smirks, crossing his arms. "I didn't say that."

Soul takes the heart from the man, carefully setting it on his work table. I think you should leave it with me for a little while," he says, "I won't promise you anything I can't guarantee, that would uncool. But I'll try."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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