School. Part Three - Hazel and Helena

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Helena POV
'Ugh, again?' That'd be my every day thought. All the druggies and whores that go here make this place hell on Earth. Don't hate me because I write the truth. But, this highschool has been passing around the rumor that another student is coming today. I guess it's supposed to be a female, which is not too rare, but we haven't had a new student in a few months.

3rd POV
The school was small, only able to contain a few people, about 100-200 each year. The windows are tinted an ugly yellow, cracked and broken. The large double-doors that were scattered across the enormous bricked building had chipped, red paint, begging to be scraped away for a new coat. The science building was, albeit rundown, was most likely the best building out of them all. It was separated from the other buildings. The bricks were all still in tact, though slightly discolored from the wear and tear of the past 50 years or so. However, the orange tint made the walls look stunning in the sunset. Ivy climbed its way up from the ground, scaling over the bricks and windows. This was the only building Helena could ever stand, so she spent her school days in there.

Helena POV
I was walking to the science building when I heard the "popular" girls talking about a new student. No, it didn't stop me in my tracks or anything, but it did catch my attention.
"Maybe shell be pretty enough to be one of us." Said Jasmine, who was the, what I guess would be the vice president of the idiots. I can't believe that they'd judge someone before they've even stepped on to the campus! My generation, everyone.
I kept walking, wanting to get the hell away from them. Then, someone stopped me. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" I turned, knowing exactly who the high, scratchy voice belonged to.
"Oh, I don't know, Kendra. Walking, presumably." I said, sarcasm dripping out of each syllable. She lead this group of people, and, as you can tell, I don't care much about her.
"Um, excuse me! Don't talk to me like that! Nobody ever talks to me like that!" She screeched, her dyed, blonde hair flying out of her makeup clad face.
"Oh? Well, I guess its a new day, Kendra! I guess its a great thing I don't care about you or your opinions." I said, spinning to the opposite direction. Walking away, my long, dark-russet hair swaying in the wind.
I opened the giant mahogany door to the science building, I turned my head to see them glaring at me. I smiled wide, a menacing, deadly smile, surrounded by dark red lipstick. I flipped them off, and went on with my day, with a smirk on my face.

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