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The sky had darkened
The city started to sleep
A room was alight in a house
With its occupants wide awake
There was a man, his wife
And their cute, small daughter
Worried they were, for she wouldn't sleep
Far worse than that,
She was badly weeping.
An idea struck to the woman
She brought alive a musical box
A doll danced with rythm
With its charm, silenced the baby
The baby smiled upto her ears
Clapping her tiny hands to music
Her little eyelids started to drift
Her brown eyes filling with sleep
Making the parents cry of joy
The doll danced effortlessly
The parents' heart danced happily
The baby slept peacefully
Nothing will wake her up
The relieved parents decided
Alas, the doll fell
The music stopped dead
Disturbing the undisturbed baby
The sky had blackened
The city had soundly slept
Yet one could hear a baby crying
Tearing apart the night's silence....

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