A Well Of Thoughts

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Perched on the brim of a well
Watching distant birds flying
Deciphering the unspoken words
That harshly pierced my ears
Cheer clad on my face
Decorated with my thoughts
I reached them a while ago, excited
They ought to hear, whatsoever
However, today was no exception
Turning deaf ears, they smiled
Smiling back, I gulped sadly
They were busy, they explained
When weren't they,
I wanted to know.
Nevertheless, they were never engaged
To spell out their merry memories
I care to bother, or not
Pulling to surface, a filled bucket
I stare at the wrinkled water.
Yet I drain it to where it was
Not wasting them on the unwanted fields.
Just like my mind does all the time
Collecting, sorting, relishbly nourishing
The troubled and smooth thoughts,
Locking it back where they were
Not spilling it on creatures
Who liked to be heard, not listened to
I walk back home in silence
The well safeguarded water forever
So did my mind with my precious thoughts....

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