Chapter 4: The Battle Ends. Enter, Nami and Orrin's Father

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      Orrin layed near the edge of the lake. The force from the impact had pushed him back. Crocodile was standing over Nami.

      "Crocodile, you're gonna pay for this!" Genzo yelled.

     "You're that man from Kokoyashi. Wasn't there a pin wheel on your hat before?" Crocodile remarked calmly. Genzo shook his fist as Nojiko held him back. Nami was too scared to move. She sat staring at Crocodile, her eyes wide.

      "Why...? How can you just stand there and kill your own kid?" she asked quietly.

      "Eh? I was about to kill you, too", Crocodile remarked, "As well as Straw Hat, Nico Robin, and the princess."

      "That's a little much, even for you!" Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp yelled in unison.

      "Enough!" Crocodile scolded. He raised his hook and swung at Nami. A split second before it made contact, someone ran by and picked her up off the ground, going too fast for anyone to see who it was, and placed her down by Genzo and Nojiko. Crocodile was startled.

       "I killed you! This is impossible!" he yelled. Orrin smirked. He got up and turned towards Crocodile.

       "I'm not that easy to get rid of!" he retorted. Nami and Nojiko smiled.

       "I think Genzo forgot!" Nami mused.

       "Orrin ate a Devil Fruit!" Nojiko remarked. Genzo thought for a moment, then laughed.

       "How could I forget!" he said. The pirates were annoyed.

       "All three of you were just terrified!" they yelled. Orrin ran forward and threw a punch at Crocodile's chin. Crocodile's head turned to sand and back. Orrin spun around and did a round house kick. Crocodile grabbed his ankle and lifted him up high enough to look him in the face. Orrin's face turned red from anger, as well as the fact that he was upside down.

        "The poison from the hook should kill you soon enough!" Crocodile boasted, "Just for reassurance..." He walked over to the lake. Orrin's eyes widened. The sand man threw him in the deep water. Electricity sparked over the spot where he had landed.

        "His leg braces are malfunctioning! He's being electricuted!" ViVi exclaimed.

        "It's too late for us to help him. No doubt that Crocodile will get in the way", Nojiko remarked. They stared at the spot where Orrin had been thrown. The bubbles indicating he was still alive stopped.

         "Wait!" Robin warned as Nami ran up to attempt to save Orrin. The ground began to tremble.

         "Get out of the way!" Robin yelled. Everyone moved away from the lake. Orrin ran out of the water with lightning speed. He leaped into the air.

         "THAT! IS! IT!" he yelled as he did a front flip and landed an ax kick on Crocodile's head, "I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS FIGHT!" Crocodile got up in pain.

         "I've been meaning to ask you...why your face is so different from before...I'm guessing it has something to do...with your other Devil Fruit powers...?" he asked. Orrin was silent. He stood solemnly, facing away from Crocodile. 

          "Wait! How are you able to run? Your braces malfunctioned!" ViVi queried. Robin thought for a moment.

          "He's a Zoan type", she reasoned, "A physical disability wouldn't affect him if he transformed." Orrin smiled.

           "That, and the fact that the electrical shock I received made me able to feel my legs again", he joked, "The bullets I got shot with when I raided Arlong's vault took away my ability to walk."

            Nami looked up at her brother's face. He seems so different. I've never seen him so angry, she thought, Hold on a sec! A slight movement from a rooftop caught her attention. Her eyes widened. She scrambled to her feet and ran towards Orrin.

            "LOOK OUT!!!" she warned, knocking him to the ground just as the gun was fired. The bullet knicked her arm. Orrin was furious. He stood up and helped Nami to her feet.

            "You don't give up do you?!" he yelled. He closed his eyes, getting into a fighting stance.

            "Box point." He transformed, growing to the same height as Crocodile. His arms appeared stronger. His eyes were both yellow now. Over all, he resembled a tiger with white fur.

             "Cat Cat Fruit Rare Model White Tiger", he said, "Rapid Fire!"

             He threw punches as fast as Luffy was able to. One hit Crocodile's stomach, sending him crashing into a fountain.

             "Rush point." This time, his feet balanced on his toes, his eyes turned to slits, and he shrank about six inches from his new height. Crocodile launched his hook at him. He dodged just before it made impact. His speed was now at its maximum. He ran forward, stopping when he reached the pirate.

             "Claw point." He shrank another six inches. He stood flat on his feet again and grew claws about the same length as his arms. He slashed at Crocodile, who blocked with his arm.

             "Cloak point." Orrin transformed again, this time his fur changed to match his environment, giving him 'invisibility'. Crocodile stood up. Where the hell did he go?! he thought angrily.

              "Full point." The boy reappeared, this time looking like a normal tiger, but still had white fur. He leaped and sunk his front claws into the pirate's back, shoving him down and jumping off, landing near the former captives. He returned to normal. Breathing heavily, he stumbled forward. Nojiko and Genzo caught him and stood him up right. Everyone smiled.


               They looked to see Pat running up the path. He had Luffy's hat in his hand. He shoved it onto the captain's head and ran over to Orrin.

                "Looks like I missed the fight. Seems like you all gave it your best", Pat said. Orrin picked his head up. A big grin was spread across his face, blood trickling from his mouth.

                "It's over. We can finally be at ease", he muttered as he lost consciousness. Nojiko and Genzo struggled to keep him on his feet.Chopper went over to them while Nami and ViVi helped to keep the boy from collapsing. The reindeer took out his stethascope.

                 "He'll be fine once we get the poison out, but we have to get him back to the restaurant", he observed.

                 "I got him", Pat said. He lifted the boy onto his shoulder, "The kid's a twig." Zoro retrieved Orrin's dagger from the wall.

                 "Hey, moss head! You coming?" Sanji asked.

                 "Sanji! I'm hungry!" Luffy moaned.

                 "I'll cook you some dinner when we get back!"

                 Zoro glared at the chef. He then followed the others down the path. That kid knows Hawk Eyes, he thought, watching Orrin intently. He examined the dagger. The edge of the blade was sharp, the black hilt was finely carved with an orange criss cross pattern. There's more to him than meets the eye. Something about his fighting style reminded me of something else, Sanji thought, looking over at Nami who was helping Robin, Does Robin know already?

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