Chapter 1[Editing]

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It's been two months since our last war, kinda missing shooting at times but I do love the peace it brought up. Bianca has been conquering her fear and Jay.. he's been picking on his sister lately. Bumblebee been on my tail a whole lot, literally. He follows me around, but hey he is my husband after all.

Walking inside Bianca and Jay's room, they were playing with their toys. Usual. Knocking on the door only to see them notice me

"You guys its time to go to bed, don't want to be late for school tomorrow now do we.." I inform leaving Bianca to jump up

"Okay!" She yells out rushing to the bathroom

"Why can't we stay up late like you and dad do?" Jay ask crossing his arms

"Well we don't have school and I have work so I don't stay up as late as your father okay.." I reply leaving me to smile

"Well goodnight you too." I rub their heads before planting a small kiss on their forehead. Turning the lights off and walking to our room. A yawn escapes my lips before letting out a small smile. Going inside the bedroom to see Bee's car in our bedroom, giggling slightly at the thought that my own car is right next to my bed. My giggle seem to awake Bee, because his radio turned on.

"Sorry if I woke you." I apologize changing my shirt.

"I-It's fine..." He spoke up and I frown hearing his radio still broken.

"Still haven't got your voice box fixed." I mumble only to hear him whirr slightly.

"You know... that's n-not possible." Be lets out a glitch chuckle as I smile softly before turning towards him.

"I know.. I just wish he fixed it before he... you know.." I mutter not wanting to mention the name.

"Yeah.. I know." Bee mutters.

"But hey! At least we still have family around.." I smile brightly leaving the radio to slowly turn down.

"Yeah." Bee lets out a yawn, "I...need to..sleep" Bee's blinkers turn off and I hope onto bed.

"No one stopping you.." I giggle to hear his ringing roar softly. Kissing his dashboard slightly before going under the covers.

"Love you Bee." I reach for the light and there I turn it off.

@LoveRandomness Presents...
Book V from the Bumblebee X Reader Series

Transformers : Lost Mind

I woke up by the sound of screaming. I can't move. I can't hear properly. Everything started to adjust. I was able to look around but the scenery of a patio was visible only. Seeing Galvatron pointed his gun at something.

It was my family.

Everything all turned white. A confused expression played on my face as I look around.

"What's going on?" I ask to no one particular until I saw the scenery to turn into a dark faded grey. Hearing someone crying, only to see that person in the corner. I couldn't go up to them, yet I try to call for them. My voice felt like it disappeared.

The person looks at up, revealing their dirty hair, that person.. was me.

"I-I wanna go home." She spoke forming her hand into a fist. She stands up to lean against this window with bars blocking the view.

"I just want to see them again." She sniffs and I look at her confused. Why am I here?

"If I haven't thrown them away, I would of.. remembered." She cries loudly as the image defaces away. Looking to my right to see everyone in the dining table.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I drew!"

"Bianca?" I call out only to see my younger self walk up to her.

"Aw~It's adorable." She spoke and earned a giggle from Bianca.

"Yeah!It has you,daddy,me and my brother!"

Downward has not been edited

YN:Well we are a family are we
Bianca:Yeah!Autobot family forever!
Jay:Mommy!I want you to have my pocketknife that you gave me!
YN:Why?Its yours isn't it
Jay:I know,but whenever you feel like your weak,just look at it.It will remind you that pain will never stop you
YN:Thanks Jay
YN:I just cant believe Im a messenger!After all this time
Bee:You not a wil...always be my little autobot
YN:I remember...but what does this have to do with anything?
?:Just keep those at all time
YN:Wait if I dont
?:*cries then stops*You will kill your kids,divorce Bee and he will commit suicide,send a rocket to kill Optimus,kill the rest of the autobots....then the worst
YN:What is it
?:You will date Stinger!
I felt my heart drop
YN:That's not true
?:Just keep those items........Goodbye
She left and I appear at a black room,I see Bee in a distant.I was about to yell his name till I heard him ceying
Bee:I cant believe she said that...I can't believe she killed them
A spotlight came revealing my kids all bloody and bruised up,Bee then stood up at a chair and put something around his neck.I notice it was a rope and was gonna run to him but Stinger hold me back
YN:Bee no!
He kicks the chair off and falls down,I cry and Stinger then starts to choke me
Stinger:It will be fine
I woke up panting and felt someone hug me and I cry to it arms.I look up to see Bee and cry even more
Bee:Bad dream?
YN:It felt so real...Mostly with you!
Bee:What do you mean
YN:I just saw our kids,dead.And you.....
Bee:I what?
YN:You hung yourself...
He looked at me in shock before I crash into a hug,he hugs me tightly...
Bee:Its just a dream okay....I would never do that,never would you
YN:But it wasnt a dream.It was the future if I dont keep those items.....
Bee:You will
He starts to pat my head before I drifted of to sleep on his arms.....

Please be a Dream
Please be a Dream
Please be a Dream
Please be a Dream

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