Chapter 10

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Sam:YN!Im so glad your okay!What did they do,why did you crash
YN:I-I...Stuff.Decipticon.Other Life.Bee.Galvatron.Stuff!
Sam:Wait Decipticon!What if they do!
YN:They want to destroy the autobots...
Sam:Cmon lets warn them!
He grabbed my hand and tried to drag me but I stayed looking at him.He looks back at me concerned
Sam:Cmon.I still know where it is
YN:Listen Sam.I don't know who you are,I only know your name since that's the only thing I can remember....Plus we can't warn the autobot!That would ruin our plan!?
I get out of his grasp and he looks at me,anger filling up his body
Sam:What do you mean...
YN:I'm part of the decipticon so I can't betray them for the autobots!They are my creators!
Sam:There not your creators!Its our parents!Your my little sister,you are part of the autobots not them!What gotten into you
I just look down them look back at him.I ran pass him and continued to run.I passed the same elementary school and went in there.The floors were oak wood and the ceilings were cement.I look around to see the same two kids from before talking to each other.
I walk up to them slowly tapping the little girl on her shoulder,she ignored so I sigh
YN:Listen I need help....
She gasp before slowly turning around.
?:That voice
Her eyes widen and became watery.
The little boy turns to her and grabs her shoulder
??:Mom isn't here!You should know that Bianca!
I look at the girl whose name is Bianca and she hugs my leg.She starts to cry but the boy just turns around looking through his backpack
Had he noticed me?
Bianca:Jay!Its mommy!Shes actually here
Jay:How many times do I---
He was interrupted by him staring at my EC eyes.He shakes his head and pinches himself.He looks back at me and hugs my other leg.Slowly letting the tears fall on there face
Jay:Y-Your here!Alive!
Bianca:W-We thought we l-lost you!
I kneel down to them seeing there eyes red and puffy.With tears falling down there cheeks.I wipe them and hold there cheek.Still tears falling but not as much
YN:Listen...I don't really know who you are but...I feel like we meant before
Bianca:Y-You didn't meet us
Jay:You made us....
I widen my eyes,as I think in my head
How did I made them?With who?
Till I got reminded by that BumbleBee guy,he did seem a lot worried when I came....He did kiss me after all....
I look back at them,hugging them.
Bianca:Where have you been!
YN:Working with the decipticon...that's where
They gasp and get out of my grasp.Jay just turns his hand to a gun and closes his eyes shut
Jay:Decipticon don't belong to this world!*cries*I trusted you!
He was about to shoot but Bianca just pushes his hand down.He sniffs before hugging Bianca tightly,his hand slowly turning back
They seem so familiar...
Tessa:Cmon!Whats there name YN
YN:The little girl is Bianca,it's Bee like her dads and onka because why not.Shes a social little bumblebee
Cade:And the boy
YN:Jay of course!Like a mocking jay,gonna go to places I'll tell you
Tessa:You and your imagination.
YN:Like you don't have one.
We all got a good laugh as I hold both of them on my arms.A tear went down my cheek hitting both of those forbears
I really wanted Bee to be there
But he was out hiding.....
I scream,as I back away from the two kids
Bianca:What's wrong?
I turn around running towards the decipticon base.I know I was trying to get away but I can't bare it!With all of these MEMORIES!
I transform myself to my robot form and ran to the hallway.
YN:Open up Galvatron!Me,You,Talk NOW!
He doesn't answer so I kick the door open.I see Stinger holding a captive girl Autobot,she was all pink.
YN:Let her go!
Stinger:You don't even know her!
YN:I said let her go!
He lets the female robot go and I go up to her,helping her up
YN:You okay?
All she does is laugh as I see her optic blue eyes look at me.Wait....Is she--
Next thing you know I was back flipped to the ground,while she points her gun at me
Stinger:Well done Acree....
Acree:No problem Stinger
Stinger:Let's just take her away,and have a little date between you and me
She nods and hits her elbow at my face causing me to black out,but I can still her bits of voices
Acree:You just have to be stupid YN.I still get my revenge for taking away my Bee....I never surrender.

Sorry for a short and crappy chapter....Until next time

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