Chapter 3

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I quickly put on your FC hoodie on with some pair of skinny jeans,black converse and brushed you LH hair.I walked to my kids room and knocked on there door,waking them up
Bianca:Why so early mommy?
YN:We need to go to the museum ...Cmon
I rush down stairs and made pancakes for everyone,set up the table and served them.I heard shuffling,turning over seeing Bianca,Jay and Bee all ready.
YN:Breakfast ready I guess
They all sit at the table and started to eat up.
Jay:So mom after the museum I was wondering if I can go hang out with my friends
YN:Oh like a play date
Jay:No not a play date.Hang out
YN:Jay your not suppose to hang out when your seven.Thats when your eleven but if you call it a play date then sure
Jay:Fine*sighs*Can I go to a p-play date with my friends
YN:Sure sweetie.
Bee:Cmon I know your messing with him
YN:No I'm not,he can go
Bee:What if he has a decipticon friend....
YN:He isn't gonna have a decipticon friend Bee.Its just a normal human friend
Bianca:Does that mean I can have the room to myself?
YN:Jay are you bringing them here or your going there
Jay:Going here
YN:Sorry Bianca.The room isn't for yourself but you can stay at mommy and daddy room
We all finish up and I collect them all up about to wash them but Bee stops me
Bee:Before that
He takes both my arms and unwraps the bandage,hurting a bit and seeing the makers gone
Bee:See.Good as new
He unwraps my shoulders and it looked normal,felt better.
Bee:No problem
He kisses my nose before heading off to the garage.I wash the dishes before heading to the garage seeing all of them inside.I go in the passenger seat while Bee hologram sits at the driver seat
YN:Everyone seat belt
Time Passes
We all arrive at the museum and looking around seeing old artifacts.Bee was back at the parking lot,he wanted to stay for some reason but whatever.I walk a bit more to see the matrix of leadership in a container and I go up to it
YN:The matrix of leadership.....
I turn to see a pair of car keys,I look at the platform that said some word
Owner of YN and Sam Witwicky on owning the first ever alien car
I smile and turn to them
YN:Guys check this out
Bianca and Jay come to me and they look at it
Bianca:Mommy that's your car keys
YN:I know.Its actually belongs to daddy
Jay:No way
YN:Oh yeah
I turn to see Optimus circle of weapons,I walk up to it and laugh a bit before smiling.Turning back seeing a wall of fame here.I look at it a bit closer seeing all the autobots and decipticon names and info about them.I walk a bit more until I landed on my own frame.Next to it was my kids and Bee.I touch the frame-
Security:Ma'am don't touch that.This is the autobot base so please don't touch anything
YN:The a-autobot base...
I look around and see that everything seems familiar to me now.I started to run around and twirl a bit before everything went black.
Annoucer:Everyone out the building.The museum is now closed forever due to aliens wanting this place back.Thank you!
I get a bit shock first and a bright light came to view seeing Hound,CrossHair,Drift,and Bee.I see my kids come next to them and I transform to my autobot form.I run to them giving them a huge hug
YN:I missed you guys!!!
CrossHair:We did too YN
Hound:You've grown
Drift:Second Sensei is still living
YN:Bee did you know about this
I kiss his cheek and hug him tightly.I grab the note and show them
YN:So that's why you guys gave me the note and tickets
Drift:We never made a note Sensei.We just took the place
YN: Drift just call me YN,not Sensei...Also,are you sure non of you wrote it.
Hound:Did you read who it from
YN:Yeah,let me check again
I unfold the not revealing a whole new note.I give them a confused look and start reading it
Dear YN,
       Your probably wondering who this note is from.But that doesn't matter now.What matter now is to meet me at the Pentagon.You should be near it but you better be prepared.Bring your family if you need to.Bye
I look at them and transform back before shoving it into my pocket.I turn around and start walking towards the exit.Opening it,I look around before transforming to my car and drives off.I arrive at my house and start to pack some ammo in my bag.I heard the door open and I turn seeing my kids and Bee behind them
Jay:Why did you just leave like that?
I didn't answer him but out the bag around my waist.I turn my right hand to a gun and put ammo in it.I walk off but felt someone get my wrist,I turn to see Bee
Bee:What's wrong.What did that let say.
I glare at him making him get all shock,giving me a chance to get out his grip and start to walk away.I see an airplane and copy it.Until I saw Bianca come towards me
Bianca:Mommy where are you going?Mom?Speak to me.Your worrying me mommy
I transform my back to the wings of the plane and flew off.I see the Pentagon and land on the front entrance,transform to normal and hide my right arm.I walk in but heard screams,I turn back to see Bee car.I look back,and look at Bee.I turn around and start to run,I don't k ow what's wrong with me

It's probably because I don't want them to be involved.I know it said to being family if needed but no!I don't want them to get hurt!I felt tears forming in my eyes and quickly wipe them.I stop running and look back seeing none of them to view.I sigh and turn back seeing them with arm crossed
Bee:YN tell us what's going on
Bianca:Why are you running
Jay:Are you hiding some thing

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