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I sat with Jerome on our table. I still wasn't that comfortable sitting with his friends yet and Jerome doesn't mind sitting next to little boring me. Well... I find myself boring while Jerome on the other hand finds me... entertaining. Everyday he would attempt to make me smile or laugh but so far the past 3 weeks he wasn't successful.

I was reading some random book that one of the guards had given me after playing innocent which had caused Jerome to stick closer to me calling me "bad" I had grown fond of his smile which many people would say looks scary or creepy. I envy his smile. I wish I could smile.

Jerome had his arm around my waist as he leaned his head on my shoulder, which I do not mind, as he read the book with me. He usually does this after the day he became my 'friend'. I don't fully understand his interpretation of friend due to his actions but he does keep his promise in protecting me which I am glad for.

(Third p.o.v)

Jerome sighed softly in boredom, not finding the book that interesting. It was too plane and boring. There was no adventure or deaths in the book. Just a romance story.

He looked up at Andy, watching her green eyes move sideways as she read the book in silence. He felt her pulse move along with her heart beat in a calm and relaxing way causing him to close his eyes. Enabling him to focus on listing and feeling Andy's heart beat.

The moment was disturbed as his eyes snapped open with a glare at the person who called his name. He looked up with dark eyes, spotting a blonde woman walking towards him, otherwise known as Barbara Kean.

"Hello ginger. Who's the new friend that you have been keeping to yourself?" Barbara asked as she sat down. Her eyes scanned the raven head next to Jerome. Her eyes staying longer on the girls face which she found pretty.

Jerome noticed the look Barbara was causing his blood to bubble though he pulled his head up much to his dislike and smiled at her with his crazy wide grin. "This doll here... " he said as he pulled Andy closer to him gaining her attention and her lost of interest in the book. "Is Andy Waterhouse. Doll this is Barbara. Barbie this is Andy" he introduced them to each other as he kept his dark smile.

Andy looked up from her book, staring at blonde before giving her a small wave. "Nice to meet you... " she said as she leaned her head on Jerome's shoulder, noticing his small anger. She have noticed her little touches on Jerome would cause some... reaction and she hoped that it would gain his attention to her instead of Barbara.

Barbara smiled at the raven head as she gave her a suductive look. "Hello" she greeted the young female with a smirk that would make any men fall on their knees. "What are you in for Andy?" She asked as she tested out the raven head's name, liking the way it rolled of her toung.

Andy looked at her with curious eyes wondering what Barbara was trying to do. "Killed my adoptive family" she simply answered as she placed the forgotten book down on the table. "What about you?" She asked softly.

Barbara smiled widen as the raven head asked her a question, liking the sound of her soft voice. "I killed my parents" she said before glancing at Jerome with a smirk with mischief in her eyes then back at Andy. "Your really pretty by the way" she said to the girl as he leaned in closer to her causing Jerome's grip to tighten on Andy's hip.

"Thank you... I haven't heard someone say that to me in years" Andy thanked as she felt an unfamiliar warmth spread through her cheeks. She had never been called pretty by another woman before and it felt really different hearing Barbara saying that. She pulled away from Jerome's painful grip and sat up straight causing Jerome to frown.

Barbara smiled at the girl, standing up and kissing her cheek. "No problem" she whispered in Andy's ear before pulling away and making her way back from where she came from.

".... she's interesting.... " Andy mumbled with pink cheeks not noticing Jerome's glare and grumble torwards the blonde.

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