Our Love Will Never Sink

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A/N: Hope you guys like the first chapter. There's more coming soon! Please comment and vote! And also fan! Don't forget to tell your friends. ~Monica x


Chapter 1

Harry POV

"Harry! Get down here!" My mom yelled.

"Coming mom!" I said running downstairs. I walk to the kitchen where mom is.

"Yes mom?"

"Honey, I need you to go to the supermarket and buy me something's ok?"

"Sure mom"

She handed me a list of things and some money before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Be careful"

"Ok" I said putting on my jacket and heading out. The supermarket was only 2 blocks away so I can easily walk there. The street were not that busy like always. I check both side before crossing the street and entering the store.

"Ok so what does mom need?" I thought and take out the list she gave me.

"Umm milk, eggs, flour, chocolate, orange juice and some candy" I read in my head. I walk up to the daily section and gather the milk, eggs and the orange juice.

"Where next-the candy section" I thought walking up to the candy section. I took the chocolate and some random candy, she didn't said which kind so I gather the one she likes.

"Now all I need is the flour" I said walking through the store. I finally found it. When I was going to pay for it. The doors flew open and two men in black with guns enter the store.

"Everyone down! Now!" One of the man said. I bend down and went to an aisle. Lucky they didn't see me.

"Give me the money" I heard one of the man said. I couldn't see them, I was hiding. Then I could hear someone opening the cash register and giving them the money.

"That's all?" I heard one of the an yelled.

"Y-yes sir" I heard a girl said, the cashier maybe, I don't know.

"That's not enough" he yelled.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir" she said, I could tell she's crying.

"Not your not" he said. Then I heard a gunshot and a girl screaming. They shot her. When I heard the doors open I knew they left. I stand up real quick and went to the cashier to see if

she was ok.

I saw her on the floor so I bend down. She wasn't wearing a uniform so maybe she doesn't work here.

"Is ok, I'm going to call an ambulance" I said dialling the phone. She was still breathing, they only shot her on her right shoulder, which she was lucky she didn't got shot in the heart.

I ended the call, the ambulance will be here in about 5 minutes.

"Hey, your going to be fine. They're on their way." I said to her. I study her a bit, while I waited to the ambulance to come. She's quite fit. She has blonde hair, and brown eyes. She couldn't or well didn't talk. I think she's just shock to what happen.

Then I heard the sirens of the ambulance. They put her on a gurney and put her on the ambulance.

"Are you her boyfriend?" One of the paramedics said.

"No, no I don't even know her"

"Well come with us anyways we need to see if you know what happen" he said helping me into the ambulance where she is in a gurney. I looked at her, she was in pain, I can see it in her eyes.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the hospital they told me to start behind because they need to operate her to get the bullet out. So that what I did, I waited on the waiting room. I just called my mom, she said she'll be right over here to check if I'm fine which I am.

One hour later, me and my mom are waiting here till they said we can see her. Yes, the operation was successful. Now I just need to answer some questions of the accident.

When I finished answering those questions, they told us we could see her. I walk to the doors of her room and she was awake looking at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Well now I have to tell the story all over again.


A/N: Hey, so tell me what are your thoughts on the first chapter!

Remember: Fan, Comment and Vote!

~Monica x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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