Dark Night.

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It was dark on October 31 1981 in Godric's Hollow, a small, honest town," Hmmph, not for long," a hooded figure thought as he walked down the dimly lit street filled with people dressed as any thing from a vampire to a bumblebee. He smirked as he passed a young boy dressed as a wizard," A poor interpretation, filthy muggle." He was a wizard after all, he would know how one dressed, and none of them had a beard that long, Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, certainly came close. He growled as he thought of his mortal enemy, the only wizard powerful enough to over take him without breaking a nail. He knew though, that someday he, Lord Voldemort, heir of Salazar Slytherin, would kill Dumbledore and take the wizarding world by storm. He was going step by step, though first he was going to destroy the child fated to kill him, Harry Potter, a half-blood with a mudblood mother and filthy muggle name. He walked to the street where the Potter's lived and found there house bright and peaceful at the end of the street. "This will be too easy," Voldemort thought darkly. He walked to the front of the house and "alohamoraed" the door. He smirked when he heard James Potter yell,

"Lily, it's him! Take Harry and run, I'll hold him off!"

"Hold me off without a wand in his hand? How disappointing." Voldemort thought as he ended the man's life with a bolt of green energy from his wand. He climbed up the stairs towards the nursery. He entered it to find a wand pointed towards him," Aah, I think you'll be much more fun than you're pathetic excuse for a husband," he smirked. Lily just rolled her eyes and tried not to look as terrified as she felt. " Hand over the boy and I'll spare you your husbands fate."

Lily growled, "Never, you monster!"

Voldemort drew his wand again, "Hand him over you filthy mudblood!"

Lily turned desperate," No please! Not Harry! Leave him alone, please!"

Voldemort drew his wand with the killing curse on his lips, he was about to yell the words when he heard a "Pop" from behind him, he turned only to be greeted by a fist to his jaw.

"Stay away from them,you traitor!"

Voldemort smirked, he should have known," Severus, how nice of you to join us, I must say this is unexpected."

Severus Snape stood before him, his long black hair blowing in his face and his robes billowing behind him. He made for a very sinister character. His obsidian eyes glowed with hatred and disgust as he faced his former master.

Severus drew his wand and started a duel between himself and the Dark Lord while yelling,"Lily, run!"
Lily got over her momentary shock and pulled Harry out of his crib and grabbed the portkey that would take them to Hogwarts. She only hoped they could get back in time to save Severus.

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