Chapter 5

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It was just Kakashi and I waiting outside of the Hokages' office, he sent the others home.

"You wait here until I come out to get you." Kakashi tells me and I nod.

He walks up to the door and knocks.

"Come in." A rough but old voice says from inside the room. Kakashi walks in and closes the door behind him.

After a few minutes of waiting Kakashi comes back out and has me inside.

We walk up to a desk with a older man with a beard, he was smoking from his pipe.

"So is this her?" He asks after a puff of smoke.

"Yes, this is her." Kakashi confirms and the old man smiles.

"Welcome to the leaf. I would like to get to know you. If it is alright, may you leave Kakashi so it is just us?"

"Yes sir." With that Kakashi left and it was just the two of us.

"What is your name dear?"

"Rasuto Yuki."



"How are you?" He asks kindly.

"I'm okay, I could be better though."

"How's that?"

"I just saw my brother be killed."

"I'm very sorry to hear about that."

"It's okay."

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" He asks.


"Do you know anyone here yet?"

"I know Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi."

"We don't have anywhere for you to stay, maybe you can stay with Sakura." He suggests.

I think about staying with Yips, just the thought makes me shudder.

"No way!"

"There is another option to stay at."


"How about with Kakashi? We need someone to watch you until we can trust you. Will you be okay with this living arrangement?" He asks and I think about it.

"I guess it's the only choice I have. I'll stay with him." I say after a few minutes of thinking.

"Great, I'll let him know. You will also be placed in his team, will that be okay?"

"That will be fine."

"Kakashi, come in." He called.

Kakashi walked in and stood next to me.

"Yes sir?"

"Rasuto here, will be staying with you. She will also be placed in your team, until we are able to place her in a permanent team. Until then, she is in your care." He says and Kakashi bows.

Kakashi turns to me and gives me a closed eyed smile.

"Let's go." He says and walks towards the door with me following him.

We eventually walked down to a house, a simple house and he walked inside. I followed him.

He walked down the hall to a room next to his.

"This is your room, make yourself comfortable."

I walked in and placed my sword in the closet and lied down on the bed.

Ice in the Fire (Naruto Fanfiction) #NarutoWattys2016Where stories live. Discover now