Shadamy part 1

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The next week in the morning Amy went to school, but when she went to class and noticed Sonic isn't there, she walked to her seat and arrange her stuff, then Tikal and Freed walked up to her
Freed: morning Amy
Amy: morning, hey is Sonic going to school today?
Tikal: actually Freed got a message from him, he said that he and his family are going somewhere and won't be back for till Friday
Amy: I see
Freed: hey Amy there's a new product in the snack store, there's new omelets wrapped with sweet bread, and I heard the lady in charge there made 150 of those in free period
Amy: alright but first I have to do something before I go to the snack store, maybe you guys buy one for me please
Freed: sure Amy

During free period Freed, Cream, and Tikal were able to buy 18 pieces of omelet bread and cost 15 rings per piece
Cream: I'm so glad we can able to buy these on time
Freed: yeah everyone really wanted to buy these
Tikal: remember we have to share with Amy, Tails, Slade, Knuckles, Rouge, and Blaze
Then a black hedgehog with red stripes and a red robot were in front of the girls
?: move. You girls are in my way
They looked and shocked if who they saw, then they make way, the black hedgehog makes thru the crowd
?: I want the omelet bread, 50 pieces
Store lady: that will be 750 rings young man
?: I'll give you 800 rings 'gave her rings'
Store: here's your change of 50 rings 'gave him 50 rings'
?: Omega can you carry the omelet bread
Omega: alright
Omega carried the 50 omelet bread and they walked away, all the girls screech
Girl #1: he's so cool!
Then Amy came back
Amy: hey girls, did I miss anything?
Freed: no, not at all
Cream: I like your new style miss Amy
Tikal: so you tie your quills up into twin tails
Amy: thanks I just wanted a new style 'noticed the black with red stripes hedgehog' who's that?
Freed: that's Shadow the hedgehog along with Omega, he's the emo boy and the #2 popular guy in the freshmen
Amy: so that's Shadow
Shadow and Omega continued walking about 15 inches away from Amy and the girls
Omega: I heard there's a new girl in the freshmen level in class 3
Shadow: hymp, in that faker's class
Omega: she's related to your classmate Rouge the bat
Shadow: huh? I never know her sister is Rouge, what's Rouge's sister's name is
Omega: Amy Rose up ahead wearing twin tails
Shadow: huh? 'Looked ahead and saw Amy'
Shadow looked ahead and he saw Amy, he stopped as he was shock

Amy's POV
I noticed someone's staring me, when I looked up I saw Shadow staring at me I was confused
Amy: why's Shadow staring at me? Is there something in my face? This is kinda awkward?

Shadow's POV
When I looked up and saw Rouge's sister, I never saw such a beauty before, her quills is shining from the sun, her eyes are like glistening stars,
Shadow: why am I'm feeling like this? Why do I have feeling in my chest and it's burning up
Until I heard someone shouted
When I snapped back, when I looked a soccer ball was flying towards me and hit me in the face

I was shocked that the ball hit Shadow's face I ran towards him and luckily I was able to catch him before he fell from the ground
Amy: Shadow! Shadow you alright?
I shake him to wake up, I noticed his handsome face
Amy: wow he looks so handsome up close Shadow!

Shadow's POV
I was hit, but I heard an angelic voice
?: Shadow!
When I'm slowly waking up I saw the new girl in front of me
Shadow: woah she looks beautiful up close, wait what am I'm thinking? Hey you can let go of me now

Amy's POV
Shadow was staring at me for 15 seconds and said
Shadow: hey you can let go of me now
I realized of what I'm doing
Amy: oh sorry 'let go of Shadow'
Shadow was arranging himself
Shadow: your the new girl, aren't you?
Amy: umm yea, I'm Amy Rose
Shadow: nice name, but anyways thanks for catching me
Amy: no problem 'rubbing the back of my head'

Shadow's POV
Shadow: Omega let's go
Omega: alright
I was about to leave but before that I looked back at Rose
Shadow: hey Rose catch 'throws her an omelet bread'
Luckily she caught it
Amy: for me?
Shadow: 'looked front' for you know, catching me before I fell 'lightly blushed' anyway see ya 'walked away'

Normal POV
Amy's shocked that Shadow gave her an omelet bread, including Freed, Tikal, and Cream
Freed: that's a first time
Amy: what do you mean?
Tikal: what Freed meant that Shadow never gave his food to anyone after he bought it
Cream: and I never realize that Mr. Shadow also has a heart
Freed: that's impossible, anyway let's eat!
Amy: oh okay

Omega's POV
I was surprised for Shadow to give Amy Rose his snack
Omega: well for a Prince from the Red Rose I'm impress
Shadow: hymp, I just wanna show her that I'm a bit grateful, don't look at me
I realize that he had little feelings for Amy Rose

Shadow's a Prince as well, and he's starting to have feelings for Amy
Next chapter coming soon

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