Counterparts of the Royalties

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It was 5 o'clock at the Blue Rose mansion, sonic finished his training with his brother
Manic: good job bro, let's rest for a while
Sonic: sure
Sonic went in his room and wiped his sweats he took a quick shower, and change into his normal house clothes, a polo shirt and brown shorts that reached his knees, he sat down at the right side of his bed, he looked down and holding a rose
Sonic: Ames.... I already fallen for you, someday I'll tell you how I feel and you'll be my girlfriend, right?
?: so your talking about your 'Ames', that's new
Sonic's eyes were widen and looked at his desk mirror and at the reflection it was female blue hedgehog wearing a short red jacket and a white short blouse and short jeans, wearing the same shoes like Sonic's but with heel, and looks exactly liked Sonic but a female version
Sonic: Speedy...
Speedy: 'comes out of the mirror' it's been awhile Blue
Sonic: I never expected that my counterpart will come back to me 'joked'
Speedy: ha..... Anyway how are you with this girl Ames?
Sonic: first her name is Amy Rose, I gave the nickname 'Ames' and she gave me a nickname 'Sonikku', I've been thinking about confessing to her
Speedy: huh? Don't you have any weapons to defend yourself?
Sonic: no I don't
Speedy: you shouldn't let your guard down, 'crossed her arms' it might be a trap to lure you in
Sonic: look who's talking?
Speedy: so what? I'm your inner self in a female version, and I know you wanted challenges, adventure, and fights! So you could be stronger
Sonic: that's because my true self is to fight and that's you, but I still love her so there's nothing I can do
Speedy: 'sighs and puts her hands on her hips' well there's no other choice, your eyes are speaking the truth with love, your counterpart for fighting will give you good luck, and I'll support you of getting Amy Rose I promise you that
Sonic: thanks Speedy
Butler: 'knocked on Sonic's door' master Sonic, dinner's ready
Sonic: coming!
Speedy: see ya around Blue 'walked back into the mirror and vanished'
Sonic: sure 'opened the door and eat dinner'

At that exact time in the Red Rose family, Shadow's in the family garden looking at the red roses and went to the bridge with a pond
Shadow: Rose.....
The water started morphing and came out of the pond and stood in front of Shadow, a black hedgehog with red stripes that looked exactly like Shadow a a female version, she's wearing a shirt with one sleeve at the right, wearing blue jean shorts and a gold necklace, wearing the same shoes as Shadow's but also with heels
Shadow: Dark....
Dark: is a pleasure to see you again Shadow, are you talking about that girl who's with you name 'Rose'?
Shadow: what?! Umm yea,
Dark: I think she's a villain? Or a fiend! Or maybe a monster?!
Shadow: no! She's neither of those, she's just a kind hearted girl and represents a single rose
Dark: very well then, but I'll make sure you'll win that villain's heart, you have my word
Shadow: look who's talking as my inner self who thinks everyone's a fiend, look I'll be fine
Dark: but I'll still support you, I must be off 'jumps into the pond and vanished'
Shadow: sure whatever 'walked away'

The same time again in the White Rose's mansion, Silver's in his walk in closet finished changing
Silver: Rosy..... Thank you for what you've did, my love
?: w-why did you say m-my love even if you did-didn't confess?
Silver: huh?
Silver looked at his mirror and walking out of it is a white hedgehog that looked like Silver but a girl version, wearing a blue and white mini dress wearing a navy blue jacket with gold bracelets, wearing exact shoes like Silver's with heels,
Silver: Silva....
Silva: I-I know it b-been awhile since we la-last talked
Silver: well that's who you are Silva, your my inner self that I'm shy and scared
Silva: y-yes, so your saying th-that girl you called 'Rosy', I saw you wi-with her, are you two lo-lovers?
Silver: well, not yet exactly, but we did make our first kiss and soon I'll confess my feelings to Rosy
Silva: I-I see well, I'll he-help you to wi-win that girl's heart S-Silver
Silver: thanks Silva
Maid: 'knocked on the closet' master Silver, dinner's ready
Silver: coming! See ya Silva
Silva: hmm 'nodded and went back to the mirror and vanished'

Again same time at the Green Rose mansion, Mephiles's in his room reading an action book and thinking
Mephiles: why did Amy kissed me? I don't even have a mouth
?: maybe it's her way of satin I love you?
Mephiles: I know your there in my reflection of my cellphone Mephitis, so stop hiding
Something came out of Mephiles's cellphone, and it's a female dark green and black hedgehog looked like Mephiles, wearing a long dark green dress with a dark gold belt, necklace, and crown, plus with matching dark green boots, walking towards Mephiles
Mephitis: I know you'll find out easily 'snickers' anyway I sense your heart is pounding when your thinking about the girl that kissed you in the muzzle
Mephiles: geez 'placed a bookmark and closed his book' you don't have to bring that up Mephitis, besides its just a kiss in my muzzle, your always picky
Mephitis: but I'm your inner self, I'm tricky, little mischievous, and little evil unlike you who's quiet, and can't communicate
Mephiles: gee, thanks for that
Mephitis: but still, I'll help you to get that girl you like "Mephy" 'grin'
Mephiles: only Amy calls me that, and thanks for that offer
Mephitis: anytime, now I'm off 'vanished'
Mephiles: 'sighs'

Again the time 5 o'clock at the Pink Rose mansion, Amy's brushing her quills looking at her reflection
Amy: I can't believe that I kiss 4 boys, it's much better than that boy in metropolis
?: yea that guy's much worse than them
Amy: huh?
Something came out of the mirror, it's a male pink hedgehog looks a lot like Amy, wearing a red shirt and shorts, wearing red shoes, and a red cap
?: what's up Amy
Amy: Andy!
Andy: yep Andy's back, and Andy's been hearing that you've kissed 4 boys
Amy: yea, those are the Princes from the different roses
Andy: didn't Andy heard that if one of the Prince or Princess from a Rose kissed another from the same Rose it means that it's proof that they're really in love, and if the Prince or Princess from one rose kissed all the 4 roses the other 4 must do their best to win one Rose's heart
Amy: and I kissed 4 of them, that means they'll fight for me
Andy: Andy knew that this would happen
Amy: and seriously, you always speak in a third person view Andy, and your responsible too
Andy: well that's Andy, Andy's your inner you, besides Andy's elder sisters thinks it's weird that Andy's speaking a third person view
Amy: yea, your elder sisters are Speedy the 3rd eldest,Dark the 1st eldest, Silva the 4th eldest, and Mephitis the 2nd eldest
Andy: yep, and Andy's the 5th, and Andy's sisters are in with the Princes you've kissed, but Andy will support you of choosing the right one for Amy
Amy: hey can you call your sisters so I can talk to them?
Andy: sure, just a sec
Andy's doing hand signs at the mirror, then the mirror glowed and showed the 4 hedgehogs
Andy: elder sister!
Speedy: hey Andy! 'Hugged Andy'
Dark: I never thought I'll see you guys again 'holding her doll'
Amy: I think it's a lovely reunion 'sat down on her sofa'
Speedy: I remember you! your Sonic's lover aren't you 'walking towards Amy' oh yea I remember of disapproving you, but Sonic's so devastated and quickly in love, 'holding Amy's hand' so consider yourself blessed'
Amy made a cocky smile and felt something on her lap
Speedy: huh? Silva?
Silva: b-but I thought this girl, is Silver's lo-lover
Speedy: who's Silver?
Silva: go away
Then Dark's doll is on Amy's head holding Amy's scissors
Dark: you villain! You already had Shadow!
Amy: please don't kill me
Speedy pushed the doll of Amy's head and looked at Dark
Speedy: now wait! It would be proper for you injuring Sonic's future wife like that!
Dark: she's a villain but she's also Shadow's 'the doll went back on Amy's head by herself' forgive me my sisters but give up your claims to her immediately!
Speedy: I won't accept that! Amy is Sonic's and that's all it is to it!
Mephitis: well I have something important to tell
Dark: something important?
Mephitis walked up to Amy and held her arm
Mephitis: 'cocky grin' she belongs to Mephiles
Silva: but she belongs t-to Si-Silver!
Speedy held Amy's other arm, Dark's doll held Amy's head and Silva's holding Amy's leg, Andy finds it a bit irritating for Amy
Amy: please stop this
Andy: elder sisters please stop, Amy still hasn't made her choice yet so let's get back please
Sp, Da, Si, & Me: fine 'let go of Amy but turn to her' MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE SONIC/SHADOW/SILVER/MEPHILES!!
They all unison together and went back to the mirror
Amy: your sisters are weird
Andy: forgive Andy, anyway andy has to go bye! 'Vanished into the mirror'
Amy: huh?

Next chapter coming soon

4 Princes, 1 Rose (Sonamy vs Shadamy vs Silvamy vs Mephamy)Where stories live. Discover now