The Hoods On the Run, Amy's Final Decision

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During recess, the triple SSS are looked that their scarred out of their own bodies, till Rouge & Blaze walked towards them
Rouge: hey boys, you guys still look scarred
Blaze: so how was your periods in your subjects, but I know during my class with Silver, but how's Shadow's & Sonic's classes?
Shadow: well... I was able to pass my term paper... but when Rose's describing the words to me, she told me to write everything she spoke, & if she told me that if I didn't write everything she self-describe she'll destroy every guns that I own, which I cared about
Rouge: yep that's Pinky for you she's always like that, even in our old school she was like that, so how's your class Big Blue?
Sonic: well I was able to finish all of my homework in just 3 hours, & I was surprised myself, Ames told me to copy her teachings in my homework, & she almost whack me for almost sleeping
Rouge: I knew that Amy would do that, & you Silver?
Silver: I knew I'm that smart for my quiz but I never think I made mistakes at my studying, so Rosy corrected it all, & worst 'look scarred' Amy nearly pull off my quills, but I'm glad I pass
Blaze: I wouldn't ask Amy to help me with my homework, but don't worry Amy's anger wears off the next day

The bell rings again, time for classes, at lunch Amy was walking thru the empty halls to find something, but while Amy's walking she got a feeling she was being followed, she moves faster but still feeling followed, she quickly turned back but no one was there, when she turned forward it was the 2 hood
Hood#1: hello miss Amelia Rosette
Amy was shocked, but turn to her fighting position
Amy: what do you want from me? I told him I'm not coming back to him
Hood#2: we know, so that's why 'point out a stun gun towards Amy' we're gonna force you
Amy's eyes widen, they run towards Amy and activate the stun gun, Amy dodges their moves unable to touch it, about an hour later he hoods got exhausted by trying to get Amy
Amy: 'panting' oh... I'm sorry, I think I... misheard you guys that you're gonna force... to take me...
The Hoods looked at each other and looked at Amy
Hoods: we did...
Amy look up with confusion, as the hood pulled out some gas machine and released the gas to Amy
Hoods: sleep our new dearest princess...
Amy began to feel woozy, she slowly fell down but one of the hoods caught her, they both nodded at each other & turned on their communicators, at the other side of the communicator a male hedgehog was on the line but in a deep voice
?: did you guys caught her?
Hood#1: yes master
?: excellent... bring her here. Now, & don't let anyone caught you guys...
Hoods: yes master, as you wish
They turned off their communicators and transport themselves along with Amy into a dark deep cave, inside their was 6 wide flat screen TV's videoed from different places across Möbius, and there was a huge black chair facing backward from the hoods, and someone sitting there was him...
Hood#1: we got her master
?: good. Tie her up the hook near the cliff, I got a little surprise for her little Princes...
Hood#2: as you wish
The hoods tied Amy's wrists, ankles, and body to the cliff, unable to get out, it was a bottomless pit below, Amy's still unconscious unable to move a muscle, the hook is remote controlled by a remote in the hood#1's hands
Hood#2: it's done master
?: excellent, you two did well. Scourge & Sally...
The hoods revealed themselves as a green hedgehog with scars on his stomach, and a brown chipmunk wearing a light blue jacket
?: Scourge. Get my old friend & his daughter, I have something for them. Sally get the transmitter on ready, it's time to show the Princes who really Amy belongs to
They salute as Scourge vanished out, Sally's preparing the transmitter live from chaos high, during last period of classes Sonic's worried Amy's isn't in class for the whole day after recess, even her friends are worried
Cream: 'whispered to Tikal' where's ms. Amy?
Tikal: 'whisper back' I don't know as well
Then suddenly their class TV's started going in class 3, 2, & 5's, even their teachers got confuse of why the TV's went on for no reason, until it shows the inside of the cave revealing Sally in her hood, the Princes quickly got up, along with Rouge & Blaze
Sonic: it's YOU!
Sally: yes, it's me... along with my master
The camera turn and showed a figure hiding in the shadows
?: hello. Princes of the 3 Roses...
So, Sh, & Si: HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?!?!!
?: I've been watching you guys since I sent my hoods to get Amy
Shadow: you've been the one who's been aftering Rose!?
?: correct.
Silver: well you won't get her! Your hoods killed Mephiles! So you won't get Rosy!
?: hmmmm. Really? Then why's she hanging for her death?
The figure moved the camera to him and showed unconscious Amy tied up in the hook near the pit, with her mouth covered with duct ape and her wrist & ankles, the Princes eyes widen in shock, along with Rouge, Blaze, Slade, Tails, Cream, Freed, Knuckles, Tikal, Manic, Sonia, & Cosmo
Everyone: AMY!!!!!!
Sh, So, Si: AMES!!!/ROSE!!!/ROSY!!!
?: 'rubbing Amy's chin' now I've finally have her, but for leaving me, I have no choice but to drop her into the bottomless pit. For good...
Shadow: IF ROSE DIES!!-
?: 'snickers' oh rest assure, I will not let her die easily. But try to find me if you can, you have until sunset so that means an hour left before your precious rose dies. For good, butt let me tell you, only 1 Prince could find me, & rescue Amy but the 2 won't, good luck.
The tv was turned on by itself, the Princes grit their teeth and clenched their hands into a fist, and ran outside of the school, everyone shouted at them, but their minds is to find Amy
Sonic: wait for me Ames! Wait for me until I get there! DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!!
Shadow: I'm coming for you Rose! I won't let that bastard kill you!
Silver: I have to make it! I have to save you Rosy! I'll kill that bastard once I find him!
The Princes began scattering around Station Square to find the cave, meanwhile Amy began stirring, she woke up in shocked and she realized her mouth was cover with duct tape, she looked around her surroundings but when she look down to the pit below her, she screamed thru the duct tape
?: I see you finally woken up. My precious rose...
Amy looked at the figure, her widen but turned to anger, the figure removed the duct tape out of her mouth
Amy: 'panting' I knew that it would be you
The figure reveal himself as a black Möbian dog, his left eye was covered by an eyepatch, have scars in his left arm, his tail long & mix colored
Amy: Gifford the Dog, heir of the Black Rose family...
Gifford: indeed 'caressed Amy's left cheek' did you miss me?
Amy: 'moves her face away from him' like hell I've missed you, didn't I told you that you & I are over since I've realized you're the son of the Black Rose!
Gifford: tsk, tsk, tsk... my dear rose, it's your mistake that you left me & didn't tell me about it
Amy: so your using force to bring me back you psycho!? Not only you're the son of Black Rose, but I've studied mang things about your family, & & that your family started this feud between us four, we four trusted you black roses but you've tricked us all!
Gifford: so what if it's my family's fault that the feud started because of us, we weren't the only ones whole started, we've... I don't know. Asked help from 'smirked' The Green Rose Family...
Amy's eyes widen in shocked, she could not believe her ears
Amy: 'shaking' y-your j-joking you b-bastard...
Gifford: oh it's no joke my dear, I've made a deal to Matrix that I let my hoods Scourge & Sally get Amy by force, besides you're the one who started it
Amy: M-ME?!?!?, I didn't do anything?! & why is Mephiles's father included in this?!
Gifford: oh my sweet, ever since you've told the Princes that you're The Princess of Pink Rose, Matrix is getting even more interested that he'll knew that his only son and heir would take Pink Rose's daughter, by he wants to do it quickly by asking me a favor of getting you for Mephiles, even Mephiles didn't know before he died
Amy: 'trembling' I-I don't understand
Gifford: 'chuckles' then ask him yourself, oh~ Matrix!
Matrix revealed himself along with Mana and Scourge, Amy's feared in shocked
Amy: Mr. Matrix!
Matrix: yes it is I Amelia, along with my daughter, I knew you've should've picked my son when you have the chance, so now your gonna pay...
Amy: but Mephiles didn't know your plan so he risked his life for mine!
Matrix: oh it's just those hoods used the wrong shots, but since you didn't choose my son, you have to say goodbye
Amy: NO! NEVER!!!! I would never force myself to choose the one I love, just give me more time?!
Gifford: but my dear. I'm afraid that you're time has up, it's been an hour already, and now that before you say goodbye, tell us. Who do you love the most?
Amy was shocked and thought about, before Gifford could press the remote she gave Amy one minute to give her to think
Amy: of course. I've finally realized, I've been asking the same question myself, the Prince that have been by my side the day we've met, the Prince that was kind, loyal, and stays by my side no matter what, the Prince that I want to spend my life with, the Prince that loves me for being me...
Gifford pressed the button, and the hook released Amy, but in slow motion Amy closed her eyes
Amy: I finally know who's the Prince I love & cared the most...
Amy opened her mouth and shouted...

Cliffhanger, anyway next chapters the 3 way you've been voting on, and I dedicate this chapter to TheActualLoganBush for being my 100th follower, anyway the first part of the 3 way is a silvamy ending next chapter, so see ya soon. But I've been wondering that should I discontinue this story of place it on hold, hmmm meh, or maybe I should end it like this.....

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