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The next week...

It was just 7.30 in the morning when Nandini walked into the deserted, zombie-free HR department. She had checked in a bit too early. There was still another hour to go for the day to begin, so it would probably be a while before the others started popping up.

Contrary to her murky emotions, it was a bright and cheerful day outside with the mellow sun shining down onto the rich, green lawn of their office building. She wasn't much eager to meet anyone too soon as she still hadn't managed to get over her epic embarrassment from last week.

She adjusted the strap of her purse over her shoulder and straightened out her bright yellow tunic as she settled down onto one of the empty chairs. She browsed her eyes around the office, taking in details which she missed the last time - the white false ceiling, the computers, filing room, Manik's, Clara's and Mukherjee's empty cabins, printers and other machines... The workstations were arranged in a crude 6 seater cluster. It was eerily quiet except for the occasional buzzing of a printer elsewhere. Of course, there were early birds prowling around in other departments' close by.

She sighed deeply as she wiped the sheen of sweat that glistened on her face. Her hands were moist and clammy like a wet rag and yet she felt so incredibly hot and steamy. She wrung her hands dry on to her already soaked kerchief. She was nervous as heck!

It wasn't easy for her to take this decision. After her embarrassing encounter with Manik last week, she had tossed and turned in bed all night while quietly debating on whether to go for this opportunity or just chicken out. It was an absolute dilemma! If she chose to take up Manik's offer, then it meant that she had to face all those dimwits again and their mockery. Their sarcastic smiles that would remind her of that dreadful fall onto his lap and that silly talk with Navya over the phone. And if she didn't, then she would have to unsuccessfully lie about her resignation at home. She sucked at lying as it is! It also meant that she had to deliberately and foolishly let go of a wonderful career leap. It really wouldn't be easy to find another good opportunity as this one!

She quickly glanced at her watch. Almost 8:00 AM. Her chest thumped madly and her eyes looked as if it was under immense pressure, almost as if it would pop out of her sockets any minute! It wouldn't be much long before the others started pouring in. And, it wouldn't be long before Manik came in!!! As far as she knew, Manik was a guy who was always on the dot. He had never been late to work! She had always noticed him come in at around this time of the day.

The more she thought about Manik, the more she wanted to run away! The very thought of him made her shudder uncomfortably. I wonder what he might be thinking of me! And after all the bullshit that happened, I don't think I can look straight into his eyes anymore!

She felt like her ribcage would explode with anxiety. She didn't have to face him all these days, but now... she would be working closely with him. Very closely. Worst part was that Manik now knew that she had a massive crush on him. MASSIVE. It was okay if the others knew. But the point here was that HE knew. Ughhhow God! Now she really wanted to run away from there. Far away to some God forsaken place! Have I made a mistake? Maybe I shouldn't have taken this up. It was a big mistake! I think that I must leave now before anyone turns up. Once I'm outside, I'll just send a mail saying that I'm not coming.

She hastily scampered to her feet, but an incoming message on her phone stopped her. It's from Navya : All the best, girlie! Let's have a chat at lunch time or whenever you're free. And don't forget, click some pics of Manik and send it across. I'm just dying to see him! Eeeee! :P

Nandini rolled her eyes and nodded irritably as she hastily rose to her feet. This girl is seriously crazy, she thought in frustration, pics? And how the hell am I supposed to do that? Walk into his face and scream "Say cheese!" What's wrong with her?

"Gooo-oo-od mo-rrrr-ning!" a rich voice drawled out of the blue right from behind her.

Startled out of her wits, Nandini swung around with a surprised wince plastered all over her face. A rather sober looking guy in his late twenties stood before her with a steaming mug of hot chocolate in his hand. He sported a pale blue shirt with a noticeable flower bud pattern printed all over it. A carefully placed navy blue bow tie completed the picture.

"Sorry," he greeted her with a sarcastic smile, "didn't mean to scare you."

"I-it's okay," she stammered.

"You must be the new appointment," he enquired as he plopped down onto his chair and took a sip out of his mug, "Nandini Murthy?"

"Haan," she replied.

"Cabir," he said with a crinkled smile and extended a hand, "I take care of all the outside stuff."

"Outside stuff?" Nandini shook hands with him and felt at ease. This guy definitely looked more friendly and easy to be around with compared to the others she had seen the other day. There was something about him that made the colour return to her skin. She wasn't pale as a ghost anymore.

"Yeah," he replied, "all that official work outside with the government and blah blah?"

"Oh yeah," answered Nandini with a dazed look in her eyes. She still didn't get what he meant.

"Ahh, you're confused now," he grinned and chuckled devilishly, "I meant Public Relations. That's my part of the court. That's what I do."

"Oh okay," she grinned from ear to ear.

"Sorry, meant to ask you," he started, "shall I get you a coffee?"

"Ermm, thank you so much Cabir, maybe after a while." Nandini felt more and more relaxed now. This guy was really cool and open. He seemed pretty level headed too. It wouldn't be bad to work in this department if he would be around most of the time.

Before Cabir could say anything else, the doors swung open and popped the temporary bubble of ease that had formed around Nandini a while ago. Her chest thumped fiercely as she feared the worst. Could it be Manik? She didn't even want to know.

"Here comes our sweet little sixteen!" bellowed Cabir pompously and waved his hand at the department's next entry.

Sweet little sixteen? Who's that?

A curious Nandini peeped over her shoulder and spotted a new guy in his early twenties. This guy was much shorter. Even shorter than Cabir. But definitely looked so adorable. She breathed a sigh of relief! At least it wasn't Manik!

Cabir slapped a rough high-five onto the other guy's hand. "What's up bro?" he smirked through gritted teeth. The other guy just grinned sheepishly in response and noticed Nandini sitting across him.

"Hi," he greeted Nandini with an obvious blush creeping into his cheeks. A ruffled mop of shaggy hair fell over his kind and soft brown eyes, heavily obscuring it from the outside world. It was almost as if he wanted to hide himself behind all that hair.

"Hi," replied Nandini with a wide grin.

"Nandini," barged Cabir, "meet our very own sweet little sixteen. Dhruv."

"Dhruv," she smiled in acknowledgement.

Cabir watched Dhruv in amusement as he blushed like crazy. "See, this is his only problem," said Cabir, "the kiddo... he's very shy. Always blushing."

"Yeah, I can see that," replied Nandini with an "aww" expression.

The door swung open again and gave Nandini another heart attack.

"Hey guys," a familiar voice sighed wearily and closed in.

Nandini was literally frozen to her chair. She could hardly move a muscle! Her worst nightmare was just happening now. Manik Malhotra.


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