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One look at Soha's intimidating, steely glare was enough to tell Manik that something wasn't right. "What's up?" he asked casually and moved in closer, "everything alright? Why did you want to see me? And that too now, here? What's so urgent?"

It seemed that Soha was struggling to talk as her eyes darted back and forth in her head. Unable to meet Manik's gaze, she quickly looked away.

"Okay. Something's wrong," concluded Manik quietly. "Tell me. What is it?"

But Soha remained mum. Manik was getting a bit impatient now. One thing, he was still at work. Anyone could spot them here and he didn't want that. Secondly, her silence was disturbing. Surely, something was seriously wrong. He only wished that she would spit it out, whatever it was!

"Soha..." he gently lifted her chin but she slapped his hand away in one aggressive move.

"Whoa!" Manik was surprised. "Oh wow," he muttered, "okay. Someone's angry. Isn't it?"

Without a word, Soha pulled out her phone and started punching on its screen with her fingers.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he asked quietly, to which Soha handed over his cell phone with a YouTube video playing on the screen. "What's this?" he asked her before he noticed what was actually playing on the screen.

A video of Nandini on top of Manik, lost in his tight embrace and locked in his sweet, heavenly kiss.

"In just an hour... 110 views and 56 likes," said Soha in a trembling voice. "Titled... hot guy makes out with beautiful damsel. Brilliant. Just brilliant."

There was panic etched onto Manik's face. "This is bullshit," he grew defensive, "this is not how it happened. Babes. Trust me. This is so not it."

"So you mean to tell me that it actually happened?" Soha raised her eyebrows in question.

"It.... It was an accident," sighed Manik in exasperation.

Soha quickly spun around as if to leave. Manik held her back. "I mean, it happened," he explained nervously, "but not like this. It was an accident. That girl just fell over me. Trust me. We weren't making out. And... this happened at the mall. Why would I even make out with some strange girl at the mall? I'm not crazy!"

"So you're telling me that you'd make out elsewhere if you had the chance?" she probed dubiously, "in the back of your car for instance?"

"Good Lord," he muttered in complete defeat.

"Or maybe in your bedroom," her voice trembled violently.

"Soha. Just stop it. Just stop it!! You're just going over the edge."

"My friend called me up and said...hey Soha... did you know? Your boyfriend just screwed some chick... their video is on YouTube. I didn't believe her at first. But when I saw that it was true... Do you have any idea how I felt?" Soha's eyes were chock full of tears now.

"Baby, come on." Manik sighed desperately. "This is all crap. See, all what these guys want is to get maximum views for their sick video. That's it. Whether there's any truth to the title is not their problem. They just need views so that they can earn from it. Do you get me?"

"Then what about this?" Soha snatched the phone from Manik, played another YouTube video and flashed it before his eyes. This time, his eyes were as round as saucers. It was a video of himself with Nandini on the escalator, up close and personal. He was visibly brushing against her over and over again. The video was titled "Hot guy and Beautiful Chick Jamming on the Escalator."

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